Rare flowers help in crafting Re-Fertilizer, Lesser Antidote, and Exceptional Kibble in Ark Ragnarok. You will get them by farming cattails, brambles, and pitchers. You can pick the flowers by hand, but a good tip would be to use a dino; you can go for Therizinosaur, Mammoth, Triceratops, Stegosaurus, Castoroides, or Bronto.
Now, for the location, you need to target mountain tops, marshes, and even beaver dams. This gives you a lot of ground to explore and get rare flowers, but we have listed some of the best locations that give you tons of rare flowers in Ark Ragnarok.
Location #1

For the first rare flower farming location, head straight to Upper Pelagornis Bay at 21.7 Latitude and 41.9 Longitude. Once you get here, cryo potted brontosaurus with saddle; this method will get you a ton of berries and rare flowers.
Location #2

For the next location, grab a therizinosaurus and get to the swamp area at 34.1 Latitude and 16.5 Longitude in Swamp of the Damned close to the blue Obelisk and start harvesting the cattails.
Location #3

The third location is on Titan’s Rise at 24.4 Latitude and 43.8 Longitude. Once you get here, aggro all the beavers and loot the dams to get lots of rare flowers.
Location #4

The last farming location is in Mithrim’s Fall at 18.9 Latitude and 45.3 Longitude. Use Castoroides and farm the green plants with brownish toppings.
Ragnarok Rare Flowers Spawn Command
You can also use a spawn command to have these items spawn directly in your inventory. To do this, first open the console command box by pressing TAB, if you’re playing on a PC, if you’re playing on PlayStation, you’ll need to hold down L1, R1, Square, and Triangle at once, and similarly, on Xbox, hold down, LB, RB, X, and Y at once. Once the console command box is open, type in the following commands and hit enter:
cheat giveitemnum 246 1 0 0
cheat gfi RareFlower 1 0 0