Cementing Paste, like any other resource in Ark Ragnarok, is important and is used to craft items such as Firearms, Polymers, and Structures used to build bases. You can craft Cementing Paste with the Mortar and Pestle, but this method is time-consuming.
The easiest way to farm Cementing Paste is by looting the Beaver Dams. Once you have found the Beaver Dam, you can collect the cementing paste inside it. In this guide, we will go over the best locations where you can find these dams to acquire cementing paste in Ark: Ragnarok.
Ark: Ragnarok Cementing Paste Location #1

- LAT: 38
- LON: 75
You can farm Cementing Paste from the Beaver Dams throughout the Ragnarök map. There is an area named The Redwood Forest in the snow biome where you can find a lot of Beaver Dams inside the river that flows from the source to the Southwest.
Cementing Paste Location #2

- LAT: 62
- LON: 35
Another area where you can find the Beaver Dams is SW, located South of the Green Obelisk on the Ragnarök map. In this area, there are a lot of small streams of water that house plenty of beaver dams if you go downstream until the waterfall.
Cementing Paste Location #3

- LAT: 32
- LON: 43
Beaver dams are found inside the water, and you can also find them spawned in the Ice Queen Nest close to Titan Rise in the Ragnarök map. There is a waterfall in the location that has a lake below and that lake houses a lot of beaver dams from where you can farm the cementing paste.
Cementing Paste Location #4

- LAT: 28
- LON: 41
Dag Rock Valley also has many beaver dams inside the lake. This location is close to Cold Eye Ridge, which has ice glaciers, and the river originates from it.
Cementing Paste Location #5

- LAT: 24
- LON: 45
The region located Northwest of Ragnarok, Ice Queen Labyrinth, has also spawned some beaver dams. Its lake has the biggest beaver dam deposits in this area.
Other Ways to Farm Cementing Paste in Ark: Ragnarok
Other methods in the Ragnarok can be used to farm Cementing paste. These are by taming creatures like Beelzebufo and Achatina. You can easily find Beelzebufo in the Northern Swamp and Swamp of the Damned. The diet of Beelzebufo to make a cementing paste is Meganeura and Titanomyrma, usually found inside the forests.
You can find Achatina inside the Redwood Forest area, which can be tamed to produce Cementing Paste. Achatina needs to consume food like Veggie Cake to produce the Achatina Paste, which is very similar to Cementing Paste. One Cementing Paste is produced from Achatina per minute.
How to use Cementing Paste in Ark: Survival Ascended?
Cementing Pate has many applications in Ark: Survival Ascended. Below, you’ll find everything that can be crafted using this resource:
- Advanced Workbench
- Bakers Oven
- Brick Dinosaur Gateway
- Cauldron
- Flintlock Pistol
- Fresh Cement
- Industrial Cooker
- Industrial Forge
- Industrial Grill
- Modern Grill
- Musket
- Pontoon Bridge
- Sloped Brick Wall Left
- Sloped Brick Wall Right
- Steel Locker
- Steel Pillar
- Steel Safebox
- Steel Water Tower
- Water Well
Cementing Paste Console Command
If you’re having trouble finding Cementing Paste in Ark: Survival Ascended, you can use its item ID to spawn large amounts of this resource through the server admin console. To do this, start your game and press “TAB” to open the server console. Next, type in:
“cheat gfi ChitinPaste 1 0 0”
Press enter, and you’ll have the resource in your inventory. Note that for this work, you need to be the admin of the server you’re playing on.