Oil is an important resource that can be crafted using oil nodes and rock in Ark Lost Island. You can get it from oil nodes by farming Dung Beetles, Tusoteuthis, and Basilosaurus or by cooking Hesperornis Egg.
The Scorched Earth area is filled with oil nodes, and once you have discovered an oil node, set up an oil pump. The oil pump is crafted using 25 Crystals, 25 Electronics, and 75 Metal Ingots in a Fabricator. This area also spawns Oil Jugbugs that produce oil.
You can find oil rocks throughout the Lost Island map beside the Scorched Earth area. You can use a metal pickaxe to harvest oil, but mining drill yields a large quantity of oil.
If you’re looking for oil veins or rocks, this guide covers some of the best locations you can visit to farm the resources in Ark Lost Island.
Ark Lost Island Oil Location #1

In the southeast of Red Obelisk, head to the south of the lava, and you will find a muddy-flat surface covered with oil at 33.7 Latitude and 71.0 Longitude. On the surrounding surface, you will find large rocks covered with oil tints; hit them using a metal pickaxe, and you will get oil.
Apart from the shiny rocks, some small mud pillars are also harvestable and can give you oil.
Ark Lost Island Oil Location #2

The next best location is in the ocean west of the Blue Obelisk at 32.2 Latitude and 24.4 Longitude. This area is shallow, so you can drop down and grab oil from your hands.
Ark Lost Island Oil Location #3

Directly on the west side of the Red Obelisk, heading to the highest peak of the snow area closest to the volcano, head down to 32.2 Latitude and 58.0 Longitude, and you will find lots of oil rocks covered with snow. Note that this area is dangerous but produces lots of oil.
Ark Lost Island Oil Location #4

Now, for the oil veins, head to the desert area on the northern side of the coast at 77.9 Latitude and 60.2 Longitude. A few oil veins are scattered throughout the sand to the mountains.
Ark Lost Island Oil Location #5

There are some more oil veins at 88.5 Latitude and 63.3 Longitude.
Ark Lost Island Oil Location #6

Head to the western side of the desert area at 84.4 Latitude and 41.9 Longitude, and you will find some more oil veins.
Oil Spawn Command
If you’re having trouble finding oil in Ark Lost Island, you can use its spawn commands to have it spawn directly in your inventory. To do this, you must open the cheat console by pressing the TAB key on your keyboard.
If you’re playing on PlayStation, you’ll need to hold down L1, R1, Square, and Triangle at once, and similarly, on Xbox, hold down LB, RB, X, and Y at once. Once the console opens, type in the command “admincheat gfi Oil 1 0 0” and hit enter.
If you encounter a situation where these commands do not work, try resetting your system or game.