Metal is another abundant resource in Ark Lost Island that can be used to craft important tools and structures. The rocks you will be looking for have a golden hue tone; once you find them, simply use a metal pickaxe or Ankylosaurus to gather metal.
Metal is found near giant rocks and on the mountains. In this guide, we will cover some of the best metal farming locations available in Ark Lost Island. But if you run out of places to farm them, you can always use the spawn command to add the item directly into your inventory.
Ark Lost Island Metal Location #1

The first spot is at on the northwest top portion of the map at 29.9 Latitude and 15.5 Longitude. You will find tons of metal between the mountains. This is one of the safest metal farming locations in Ark Lost Island.
Metal Location #2

For the next spot, move southwest to the Mountain Range at 62.2 Latitude and 27.1 Longitude. This is the most concentrated area that yields the maximum metal quantity in the entire map. Explore the entire mountain range, and you will get more metal at 66.9 Latitude and 29.3 Longitude.
Metal Location #3

For the next location, head to the mountains on the southeast region of the map at 60.9 Latitude and 66.6 Longitude. You will find lots of metal nodes near huge rocks.
Metal Location #4

In the same southeast region, move towards the Green Obelisk at 60.8 Latitude and 62.0 Longitude and you will farm metal through the mountain cliffs.
Metal Location #5

Another great spot is below the mountain at 57.6 Latitude and 47.2 Longitude.
Metal Spawn Command in Ark Lost Island
If you’re having trouble finding Metal in Ark Lost Island, you can use spawn commands to have this item spawn in your inventory. To do this, you must open the cheat console by pressing the TAB key on your keyboard.
If you’re playing on PlayStation, you’ll need to hold down L1, R1, Square, and Triangle at once, and similarly, on Xbox, hold down LB, RB, X, and Y at once. Once the console opens, simply type in: “cheat gfi PrimalItemResource_Metal 1 0 0” and hit enter to add this resource directly to your inventory.