Cactus Sap is one of the most crucial resources in Ark Lost Island. This resource offers a decent substitute for drinking water in many situations where water is inaccessible and can be used to interpret the significance of cactus sap. Apart from its use as water, it can also be used as food and for other secondary resources like cactus broth and propellant.
There are many places where Cactus Sap can be obtained. However, it’s easiest to get to the Mid-Northern Desert. Another method of getting this resource is by using the spawn command. This guide lists down the five best places you need to visit to farm Cactus Sap in Ark Lost Island.
Cactus Sap Location #1

The first cactus location is at 88.4 Latitude and 38.4 Longitude, which you can harvest using a chainsaw.
Cactus Location #2

The second location is 94.0 Latitude and 28.9 Longitude.
Cactus Location #3

The third location is at 93.2 Latitude and 88.4 Longitude in the lower southeast corner of the map.
Cactus Location #4

The next spot is at 81.0 Latitude and 89.2 Longitude.
Cactus Location #5

The fifth Cactus spot is at 88.1 Latitude and 47.3 Longitude.
Cactus Sap Spawn Command
For Cactus Sap, open the cheat console on your device; if you’re playing the game on a PC, press TAB. If on PlayStation, press and hold L1, R1, Square, and Triangle, and if on Xbox, press and hold LB, RB, X, and Y.
Once the console opens, type “cheat gfi CactusSap 1 1 0” and hit enter. This will spawn the item in Ark Lost Island.