Best Base Locations in Ark Lost Island

We came up with this detailed guide to help you find some of the best base locations in Ark Lost Island for you to choose from.

The Ark Lost Island map gives you a variety of promising locations to set up your base in, but safety and resource availability are your primary concerns. Choosing a safe location to build your base will help protect you from dangerous predators and creatures and avoid the hassle of dying repeatedly and making runs back to recover your items. It would also protect your dinosaurs from being attacked or dying.

While quick access to resources saves you the torture of endless runs carrying these heavy necessities. These factors are similar when choosing the ideal location for both PvE and PvP bases. So, considering all these factors, the following guide will look into the 6 best locations in Ark Lost Island for making your PvE base.

Base Location #1

Ark Lost Island base locations

The first base location is on the border of the snow biome at 21.2 Latitude and 31.2 Longitude. The spot is connected to a mountain that gives you quick access to metal. With a water source directly under the base, you can breed your small water dinos.

Base Location #2

The second location is at 41.8 Latitude and 49.3 Longitude, right in the center of Redwoods Forest. You can build base on the ground as well as on trees.

Base Location #3

Ark Lost Island base locations

The next spot is in the middle of the ocean at 68.4 Latitude and 73.9 Longitude. You can build ocean platforms to build a base on it, and the ocean gives you a massive water pen.

Base Location #4

The fourth spot is at 34.7 Latitude and 32.7 Longitude. This is a massive flat surface with Argentina’s spawning all the time. There is a waterfall area nearby with Beaver Dams.

Base Location #5

Head to the Scorched Earth’s surface at 85.5 Latitude and 73.3 Longitude for the next base location. This area gives you access to metal, polymer, and all the Scorched Earth creature.

Base Location #6

Ark Lost Island base locations

The last location is at 16.0 Latitude and 78.9 Longitude on the top-right corner of the map. You can build a massive water pen with the ocean below the area. You get everything here, like metal, rock, and obsidian. Also, there is a gem cave nearby.

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Namra is a gaming enthusiast and guides writer, always looking to play AAA titles on day one, while her favorites being Last of Us, Uncharted series, Spiderman, Final Fantasy, and Alan Wake.