Ark Fjordur Shadowmane Locations and Taming

Shadowmane is one of the powerful creatures in Ark Fjordur with abilities like teleportation, invisibility cloak, and shock attacks.

Shadowmane is one of the powerful creatures that reappears in Ark Fjordur. This hybrid creature has powerful abilities like teleportation, invisibility cloak, and shock attacks, which makes it necessary to add it to your taming list.

The Shadowmanes are only found in the purple forest in the Asgard Realm. You will either find them sleeping alone or traveling in packs. If you’re interested in taming this creature in Ark Fjordur, this guide will help you with its location, taming, and breeding strategies.

How to Tame a Shadowmane?

First, you must collect the taming food for the Shadowmane, which is fish. Head to a river and use the fish basket to trap a large fish. Place the basket on the floor, wait for the fish to come in range, and press Y to trap it.

Once you have the fish, release it into the wild, capture it in your cryopod, and then place it into the fridge to prevent it from getting spoiled. Repeat this process to capture some more fish.


You must look for fish at a size of 1.5 or over to complete the taming process quickly. We recommend capturing at least 20-25 fish.

When you gather the fish, have ghillie armor and enough blood packs to make Sanguine Elixir consumable, as it boosts the taming process by 30%. Do bring crossbows, grappling hooks, and a shotgun. We recommend using Desmodus as a tame.

Once you have located the Shadowmane, place a trap nearby using 4 stone foundations 2×2 and 16 walls too high on each side of the box.

Now, kill the wild creatures nearby and the mates around the creature so you can only have the Shadowmane you want to tame. Set your Desmodus to a high follow distance and position it right above the trap.


We recommend performing the taming process during daytime as Shadowmanes aren’t powerful at that time.

Grapple onto your tame and shoot the Shadowmane to get its attention. Once it uses its teleportation attack, it will fall into the trap. Now, fly away to prevent it from attacking you. The creature will fall asleep, which is the only time it can be tamed.

Now, equip the ghillie suit, whack your fish basket down in the water, throw the fish out of the Cryopod, and recapture them again. Now, feed the recaptured fish to the Shadowmane through the wall. Repeat this process with the remaining fish until the creature is fully tamed.

Now, when the taming bar is at 24%, craft the Sanguine Elixir in your Desmodus’s inventory and consume it while next to the Shadowmane, this will boost the taming process.

Shadowmane Locations in Ark Fjordur

To get Shadowmanes, you must teleport to the southeast portion of the Asgard realm. Once you are in Asgard, head to the tree areas at 58.6 Latitude and 53.5 Longitude, and you will find the creature roaming around.


Purple tree areas exist at two places in the Asgard Realm and Shadowmanes are found in both regions.

Shadowmane Stats in Ark Fjordur

The Shadowmane possesses the following stats in Ark Fjordur:

StatsBase ValueWild Value
Melee Damage3536.75
Movement Speed100%

How to Breed Shadowmane in Ark Fjordur

To breed this creature, keep a pair Shadowmanes close to each other and set their behavior to enable mating. It will take some time for the mating process to end, and when it does the female will drop a baby Shadowmane.

Shadowmane Spawn Command

If you’re finding it hard to locate the Shadowmane in Ark Fjordur, open up the console command box by pressing TAB key if you’re playing on a PC, but if you’re playing on PlayStation, you’ll need to hold down L1R1Square, and Triangle at once, and similarly, on Xbox, hold down, LBRBX, and Y at once. After the console opens, type “admincheat Summon LionfishLion_Character_BP_C” and press enter.

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Namra is a gaming enthusiast and guides writer, always looking to play AAA titles on day one, while her favorites being Last of Us, Uncharted series, Spiderman, Final Fantasy, and Alan Wake.