Ark Fjordur has resources in the form of different gems used to craft items such as saddles, guns, pistols, and armor. These gems are found in three different types, differentiated by their color: Red, Blue, and Green.
Due to its unique characteristics, you will need the blue to boost the structural integrity of weapons, armor, and constructions. In comparison, the Red Gems are mostly used for saddles, and the Green Gems for saddles and crude tools.
This guide will reveal the best farming locations for red, blue, and green gems in the Ark Fjordur expansion.
Ark Fjordur Blue and Red Gem Location

The blue and red gems are found in the aberration cave, and the entrance to this cave can be found at 56.9 Latitude and 84.8 Longitude. Once you enter the cave, take the left path, and you will find blue and red crystals all across the cave that give blue and red gems.

The second place to get blue gems is from Mines of Moria, which is at 86.2 Latitude and 05.3 Longitude. Enter the cave and follow the small shelf above the large crystals on the left, taking you to a smaller cave area at 86.8 Latitude and 12.8 Longitude. You will find some blue gems here as well.
Ark Fjordur Green Gem Location

The green gems are found in an underwater cave, and the entrance to this cave is at 71.5 Latitude and 01.3 Longitude. Find the cave exit that takes you to the land area and mount a bat to fly up. The ruined area has lots of green crystals spread across; these crystals will give you green gems.
Gem Spawn Command
If you’re finding it hard to find gems in Ark Fjordur, you can always rely on the spawn command. Press TAB on your PC to open the console command box. But if you’re playing on PlayStation, press and hold L1, R1, Square, Triangle, LB, RB, X, and Y if you’re playing on Xbox.
Once the console opens, type in the following to the required gem:
- For Green Gem: cheat gfi Gem_Fertile 1 1 0
- For Blue Gem: cheat gfi Gem_BioLum 1 1 0
- For Red Gem: cheat gfi Gem_Element 1 1 0