Ark Fjordur Keratin / Chitin Farming Locations

In this guide we have a few ways for you to speed up and farm Chitin and Keratin more efficiently in Ark Fjordur.

Both Keratin and Chitin are crucial for a lot of crafting recipes in Ark Fjordur, and they are required in large quantities for these recipes. However, with the variety of animals that you can tame, you have a few different ways to run through the farming areas and get a ton of Chitin and Keratin fast.  

This guide lists the three best spots to farm Chitin in Ark Fjordur and it also includes the spawn command to get the resource easily without having to find it. 

Ark Fjordur Chitin Farming Location #1 

You will find the entrance to the Bug Cave on the northeast corner of Redwoods at 10.0 Latitude and 84.4 Longitude. We recommend using a fat frog to clear out all the creatures inside. Araneo, Achatinas, Meganeura, and Titanomyrma Drone will drop Chitin.  

Ark Fjordur Chitin Farming Location #2 

Head to 11.7 Latitude and 86.7 Longitude, turn left from the waterfall and head under the log. Bring out the Megatherium and enter the cave. There are a lot of bugs in this cave that you can harvest to farm chitin. 

Ark Fjordur Chitin Farming Location #3 

Dive into the water from behind the Blue Obelisk at 71.3 Latitude and 00.0 Longitude, and you will find an underwater cave. Make your way to the room with stones placed on the wall at 76.2 Latitude and 07.7 Longitude. Set a Megatherium at the entrance of the room and a lot of bugs will start spawning in after pressing the buttons. 

Tip: This method will give you millions of Chitin in a single farm. We recommend doing this with friends as chances are you might die in solo. 

Chitin Spawn Command 

If you’re finding it hard to locate Chitin on Ark Fjordur, open up the console command box by pressing TAB on your keyboard, but if you’re playing on PlayStation, you’ll need to hold down L1, R1, Square, and Triangle at once, and similarly, on Xbox, hold down, LB, RB, X, and Y at once. After the console opens, type “cheat gfi PrimalItemResource_Chitin 1 1 0” and press enter. 

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Namra is a gaming enthusiast and guides writer, always looking to play AAA titles on day one, while her favorites being Last of Us, Uncharted series, Spiderman, Final Fantasy, and Alan Wake.