Resident Evil 2 Remake Screenshots Confirms Ada Wong As Playable Character

Capcom has revealed some new Resident Evil 2 remake screenshots revealing playabke Ada Wong Tyrant T-00, environments and more.

Resident Evil 2 remake is over a month away from launch and Capcom is busy marketing its upcoming game. This time, Capcom has revealed some new Resident Evil 2 remake screenshots revealing Ada Wong Tyrant T-00 and more.

You can check out the Resident Evil 2 remake screenshots below. These screenshots also highlight how beautiful the game is with detailed character models and environments.

Aside from Ada Wong and Tyrant T-00, we also get to see Leon Kennedy, Claire Redfield and other characters in these Resident Evil 2 remake screenshots. Furthermore, these screenshots for Resident Evil 2 remake reveal that Ada Wong will be a playable character.

Speaking of the game, rumors are making rounds on the internet suggesting that a Resident Evil 2 remake demo is coming. According to reports, the Resident Evil 2 remake demo will drop this month. However, take it as a grain of salt until it is confirmed.

There is quite a hype behind the upcoming Resident Evil 2 remake. However, that might not be the only Resident Evil remake developed by Capcom.

According to producer Tsuyoshi Kanda, he would like to remake all Resident Evil games with fixed camera perspective. But, noted that for now, his priority is Resident Evil 2 remake.

Resident Evil games started out with a fixed camera which continues till Resident Evil 3. Capcom changed things up with Resident Evil 4.

It was the first mainstream Resident Evil title to feature an over the shoulder camera perspective. Capcom did change things up with Resident Evil 7 which featured the first-person perspective.

I think it would be interesting to provide over-the-shoulder versions of our other fixed-camera titles. But for the time being my priority is making Resident Evil 2 a success.

However, unlike Resident Evil 7, Resident Evil 2 remake won’t get any VR support. According to the devs, the reason is the over the shoulder perspective.

Furthermore, Capcom promises the remake will maintain the “claustrophobic horror” of the original. Tsuyoshi Kanda noted that there are certain standards for modern video games and the remake will be accessible.

Resident Evil was also adapted into movies. However, the quality of the movies wasn’t even close to its games. But, Resident Evil movie reboot won’t make the same mistake.

James Wan is the director behind the upcoming Resident Evil movie reboot. Not only that, the movie takes inspiration from 2017’s Resident Evil 7 and will return to horror roots.

Resident Evil 2 remake is a horror-survival game in development at Capcom. The game rolls out on January 25, 2019, for PC, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4.

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