Finding collectibles has always been integral to the Grand Theft Auto franchise. Collectibles were first featured in Grand Theft Auto 2 and gained even more popularity with Grand Theft Auto 3 Hidden Packages.
Rockstar Games has jammed-packed the Grand Theft Auto V with tons of activities and collectibles for players to find, and Letter Scraps is one of them. This guide will help you learn how to find the Letter Scraps locations, where to find them in GTA V, and the reward for finding all the letter scraps.
Letter Scraps in GTA V are located in very different locations, and players will have to find them. However, with the help of our guide, gamers will be able to find the GTA V Letter Scraps locations in no time, along with the rewards for collecting all of them.
Finding these collectibles will not only unlock some of the achievements/trophies but also earn you some in-game rewards. There is a Letter Scraps reward for finding all of the Letter Scraps in Grand Theft Auto V.
GTA V Letter Scraps Map

Letter Scraps is the confession of the murder and torture of Leonora Johnson GTA V. She is a woman who has been brutally murdered, and it is the players’ responsibility to solve the enigma of her murder. Besides this, nothing is known about this woman.
Successfully solving the mystery of this woman’s murder will unlock the ‘A Mystery, Solved’ Achievement/Trophy, which is the reward for collecting all of the letter scraps. You will also get to choose whether to kill Dryfuss or not!
Letter Scrap #1

Location: Port of Los Santos, Terminal Off Buccaneer Way
The gap between the large stacks of containers in the Terminal Off the Buccaneer Way will have the next collectible.
Letter Scrap #2

Location: Los Santos International Airport, Underground Entrance
To the right of Los Santos International Airport, Underground Entrance. It will be right to unattended luggage of some people.
Letter Scrap #3

Location: Port of South Los Santos, Elysian Island
Go to the Port of South Los Santos, Elysian Island, and board the Oilfantus tug boat to find the next Letter Scrap.
Letter Scrap #4

Location: Los Santos International Airport, Rooftop
Get to the rooftop of the airport bar to get the next collectible.
Letter Scrap #5

Location: East Los Santos, Crypress Flats
Take a train to the underground tunnels, and press the car jack button near the service platform to access this collectible.
Letter Scrap #6

Location: Murrieta Oil Fields, El Burro Heights
Inside a car scrapyard warehouse in the El Burro Heights Murrieta Oil Fields area.
Letter Scrap #7

Location: South Los Santos, Davis, Grove Street
It will be on the back porch of a house in Grove Street, Davis.
Letter Scrap #8

Location: South Los Santos, Davis, Mega Mall
The next Letter Scrap will be inside a skip in the Mega Mall’s parking lot in Davis, Los Santos.
Letter Scrap #9

Location: Vespucci Beach
The empty pool in the Vespucci Beach will have the next Letter Scrap.
Letter Scrap #10

Location: Palomino Highlands, Island
The next Letter Scrap will be on an secluded island; hidden behind some bushes.
Letter Scrap #11

Location: Vespucci, Canal Tunnel
Go to the Canal Tunnel under Palomino Avenue to find the next Letter Scrap.
Letter Scrap #12

Location: Del Perro Pier, Restaurant Balcony
Go to the Pearls Restaurant and make your way to the second floor balcony of the restaurant to get the next collectible.
Letter Scrap #13

Location: East Los Santos, La Messa, Vespucci Boulevard
The next Letter Scrap will be on the Vespucci Boulevard bridge in La Messa.
Letter Scrap #14

Location: Downtown, Crane at Vespucci Boulevard And Power Street
You will have to reach on the top of this big yellow crane in order to retrieve the next collectible. However, in order to get there, you will have to take a parachute.
Letter Scrap #15

Location: Back Lot City Movie Studio
Enter this studio and take a left to find the first Scrap near the stairs.
Letter Scrap #16

Location: Vinewood, Alta, Occupation Avenue and Power Street
This one can be found inside a pit on the construction site in Occupation Avenue and Power Street.
Letter Scrap #17

Location: East Vinewood, Flood Control Dam
Go to the middle portion of the Floor Control Dam in East Vinewood.
Letter Scrap #18

Location: Pacific Bluffs Cemetery
It will be on front of a bench situated in the cemetery.
Letter Scrap #19

Location: Vinewood, Hawick, Power Street and Hawick Avenue
The next Scrap will be right next to a ramp used to incline.
Letter Scrap #20

Location: Pacific Bluffs, Bar
It will be near the bar right next to the swimming pool.
Letter Scrap #21

Location: Vinewood, Eastbourne and Spanish Avenue
It will be in an house in Wes Vinewood, Eastbourne and Spanish Avenue.
Letter Scrap #22

Location: Vinewood Racetrack
The next collectible will be on the stands at the Racetrack.
Letter Scrap #23

Location: Pacific Bluffs, Kortz Center
It will be in a maze at the Kortz Center. You should enter the maze from the North side and keep on following the path to find it.
Letter Scrap #24

Location: Vinewood Hills, Lake Vinewood Estate
The next collectible will be lying on the floor inside a game-room in Lake Vinewood Estate.
Letter Scrap #25

Location: Vinewood Hills, Vinewood Boards
It will be on top of the word ‘I’ on the Vinewood boards. Climb the ladder at the back to reach the area.
Letter Scrap #26
Location: Tongva Valley, Highway# 11
It will be near the tourist information booth on the Highway# 11 in Tongva Valley.
Letter Scrap #27

Location: Vinewood Hills, Big Orange Juice Stand
You will find it near the tables at the Big Orange Juice Stand near the Vinewood Hills.
Letter Scrap #28
Location: Palmer-Taylor Power Station
Go to the East of the Palmer-Taylor Power Station and you will find it on a deserted island.
Letter Scrap #29
Location: Great Chaparral, North of Galileo Road
Right next to a door in the mountains near the twisted road in Great Chaparral.
Letter Scrap #30

Location: San Chianski Mountains, Lagoon Cave
Get inside a lagoon cave and take a left to find the next collectible.
Letter Scrap #31

Location: Harmony, Grand Senora Desert, Bail Bond Farm
Get to the Grand Senora Desert farm and you will find an old billboard there. Behind this billboard will be the next collectible.
Letter Scrap #32
Location: Harmony, Redwood Lights Track
Inside the hole near the center of the construction site in Redwood Lights Track.
Letter Scrap #33

Location: Lago Zancudo, South of Fort Zancudo
Get to the South of the Fort Zancudo and find the next Letter Scrap on a clear area in the fields.
Letter Scrap #34

Location: Lago Zancudo, Route 69 Bridge
It will be under the Route 69 bridge, right next to the Zancudo River.
Letter Scrap #35
Location: Great Chaparral, Graveyard
Pretty straightforward! Just get inside the main grounds of the Graveyard to find this collectible.
Letter Scrap #36

Location: Harmony, Joshua Road
Go to Procopio Beach and then make your way to the porch on the men’s side to get the next Letter Scrap.
Letter Scrap #37
Location: Grand Senora Desert, Airstrip
Get to the airstrip near the Grand Senora Desert and you will see a Letter Scrap near the huge rock deposits.
Letter Scrap #38

Location: Sandy Shores, Abandoned Motel
The abandoned pool in the Abandoned Motel in the Sandy Shores will have the next Letter Scrap.
Letter Scrap #39
Location: North Chumash, Raton Canyon, Cassidy Creek
Lying on an edge overlooking the Cassidy Creek will have the next Letter Scrap.
Letter Scrap #40

Location: Mount Chiliad, Alamo Sea, Miller’s Fishery
Get to the sea shore near the Mount Chiliad and you will get the next Letter Scrap near a rugged boat.
Letter Scrap #41
Location: Mount Chiliad, Northwest of Alamo Sea
Go to the Millar’s Fishery Company in Galilee and find the next Letter Scrap near an abandoned workshop.
Letter Scrap #42

Location: Mount Chiliad State Wilderness, Altruist Cult Camp
The communication site’s balcony near the Altruist Cult Camp in the Mount Chiliad will have the next Letter Scrap.
Letter Scrap #43
Location: Grapeseed, Main Street
Get to the South of Grapeseed, main street and find the next collectible in the second floating row.
Letter Scrap #44
Location: Mount Gordo, El Gordo Lighthouse
Go behind the Lighthouse in Mount Gordo.
Letter Scrap #45

Location: Paleto Forest, Lumber Yard
The next Letter Scrap will be in the Paleto Forest near the lumber yard.
Letter Scrap #46

Location: Mount Chiliad, Cable Car
Go to the top of the Mount Chiliad (near a parachute pick-up) and it will be near the cable car platform.
Letter Scrap #47

Location: Paleto Bay, Beach House, Procopio Drive
Go to the house near the beach in Procopio Drive and find the next Letter Scrap at the balcony on the backside of the house.
Letter Scrap #48

Location: Mount Chiliad, Hobo Camp
It will be at the entrance of a building in the Hobo Camp in Mount Chiliad. The building will also have a health kit inside, so make sure to get it.
Letter Scrap #49

Location: Procopio Beach, Rest House
It will be on the floor near the men’s side of rest house at Procopio Beach.
Letter Scrap #50

Location: Paleto Bay, Derelict House
Go to the Derelict House in Paleto Bay and make your way to the backside of the porch to find the last Letter Scrap and unveil the mystery.