Yakuza: Like a Dragon Company Management Guide

Yakuza: Like a Dragon introduces players to a challenging yet rewarding money-making mini-game. For this Yakuza: Like a Dragon Company...

Yakuza: Like a Dragon introduces players to a challenging yet rewarding money-making mini-game. For this Yakuza: Like a Dragon Company Management guide, we’ll be showing you how to use your assets to maximize your income.

Yakuza: Like a Dragon Company Management

During chapter 5, you will come across Kamataki Eri outside of Otohime Land. Ichiban seems to always be in the red. Ichiban decides to help Eri and hopes to one day stand on top of the corporate world.

Company Management Mini-Game

You may find the Ichiban Confectionary on the Southern end of the Snack District facing the main road. It is a senbei shop and will be empty until you’ve met Eri. You will then gain access to the second floor where the office is.

Simply talk to Eri to begin.

How do I play?
The concept is rather simple, but the game doesn’t play out as innocently as you would expect it to. You will have to buy properties, upgrade them and sell them at a profit.

You can find hires through various ways.

  • Find potential hires on the streets.
  • Acquire from substories.
  • Eri may find them during a cycle as well.

Place them at the properties to meet the required parameters, and achieve a high profit.

Ichiban will earn an executive’s earning of profits if he wins the General Meeting of Stockholders, which will be added to your money-pile outside of the game.

What’s the Concept of a Cycle?
Before the meeting takes place, make sure you have gone through the sales report a total of four times.

It cannot be skipped, and you will have to take a few minutes out of your time to go through all of them. Speed any unnecessary scenes by pressing L2.

Use your employee’s traits to stand their ground in the General Meeting of Stockholders and claims against the company’s current state.

If you end the meeting with high approval, Ichiban will increase his executive earnings and raise the company’s rank.

Managing your Employees
Try not to buy more employees than you can handle at your current level. The amount of money you can borrow depends on your current rank.

You will be offered numerous opportunities to invest into a property or to accept a commercial advertisement.

It’s not necessary to accept every offer however, CM offers will boost your sales for the duration of the cycle.

Employee Information

  • Rarity is determined by N being the lowest and R, SR, SSR, and UR being the highest.
  • 5 is the initial level cap, which can be raised to a maximum of 30.
  • Management meters include Merchandise (Gift box), Service (Heart), Popularity (Medal).
  • General meeting of stockholder’s stats includes Persuasiveness, Will to Fight, Speech Cost.
  • Employee happiness is determined by green (Happiest) and followed by orange, white, red, and purple being the worst mood.
  • Each worker has a different salary depending on their skills.

Employee Care

  • Check on your employees by heading into Personnel Management and then Employee List.
  • You will find under an employee’s information card; Care, Training, Promotion, and Termination.
  • Employee’s happiness can be affected by training, promotion, and termination.

General Meeting of Stockholders
After a total of 4 rounds of sales reports, you will have to sit through a general meeting. This meeting is different stockholders being pitted against each other.

When forming your deck of four employees, make sure you have high persuasiveness and low speech cost.

You will have three menu choices after the initial explanation of the meeting. You may either choose to start, change your deck, or quit.

  • A few things to keep in mind throughout the meeting is,
  • Red beats Green, Green beats Blue, and Blue beats Red.
  • Your approval will start off with 50%. Defeating the stockholders will bring it up to a close 100%.
  • For employees: Hexagon is the Speech Cost, gauge is the Will to Fight (Health), and at the bottom you can find Persuasiveness (Attack Power).
  • Low speech cost is helpful as it will help you to refute a shareholder many times. You will have a total of 100 points available, which will slowly refill as well.
  • Keep an eye out on the timer.
  • You may use Ichiban’s three levels of apology to restore your Will to Fight, and Speech Gauge. The only setback is that your stockholder will have to tank a little damage.

Fighting a Stockholder
Pick out a Stockholder from the line-up. There’s a possibility that their complaint may be a different color compared to their symbol.

Pick the employee with the color that beats the complaints before the bubble fills up.

You have the choice to either pick a color that beats their bubble, or one that matches with their symbol.

Once you satisfy them, they will sit down and have hearts popping out of their heads

Usman's enthusiasm for gaming started with a RuneScape addiction, and he employs the linguistic skills he acquired from the MMORPG at SegmentNext.