Unreal Engine 4 Nintendo Switch Support Is A Thing, According to Epic Games

Unreal Engine 4 Nintendo Switch support is now going to be available on the Nintendo Switch when it releases in early March, opening up new game potential.

Epic Games has said that they will be adding Unreal Engine 4 Nintendo Switch support, adding a very popular developer software to the Switch when it releases. This means that any third-party developers that want to make games for the Switch will now be able to use Unreal Engine 4 in every version of the game.

See Also: Epic Games Announces Unreal Engine 4 Support For Nintendo Switch

Unreal Engine 4 is the most advanced version of the Unreal Engine yet, and is being used by a number of independent developers to remake games like Tomb Raider 2 or Prince of Persia: Warrior Within, along with making proof-of-concept videos like Sonic the Hedgehog or the Hunter’s Dream from Bloodborne.

With so many games using such a widely-distributed game engine like Unreal Engine 4, Unreal Engine 4 Nintendo Switch support is probably one of the best things that can happen to the Switch; a lack of third-party games and ports was one of the main flaws with the Nintendo Wii U, and with a number of Eastern developers now starting to pick up use of Western development tools we may be getting more Unreal Engine 4 games as well.

Epic Games says that the current version of Unreal Engine 4, 4.15, allows greater developer workflow, a better user experience on release, and significant gains in overall stability, so we may be seeing games run better on the NIntendo Switch if they use Unreal Engine 4. The Switch getting Unreal Engine 4 support, in addition to allowing third-party games to be developed for it, will also be handy with games that are currently out that use Unreal Engine 4, for instance if The Coalition decides to port Gears of War 4 over to it.

Unreal Engine 4 Nintendo Switch support will hopefully give a large number of different developers a wide variety of new opportunities, so hopefully the console will be seeing a lot of new Unreal Engine 4-using games in the future when it releases.

Hunter is senior news writer at SegmentNext.com. He is a long time fan of strategy, RPG, and tabletop games. When he is not playing games, he likes to write about them.