Tower of Fantasy Astra Supply Pods Locations Guide

Supply Pods are one of the most useful items you can find in the open world of Tower of Fantasy....

Supply Pods are one of the most useful items you can find in the open world of Tower of Fantasy. To help you out with finding all 48 Supply Pods in the Astra region in Tower of Fantasy, we’ve prepared this guide where we’ll be showing you the exact location of all Astra Supply Pods.

Supply Pods are scattered around the in-game world at random locations and if you find them, they can grant you some great loot such as Black and Gold Nucleus.

Tower of Fantasy Astra Supply Pods Locations

There are 48 Supply Pods available in the Astra region in Tower of Fantasy. 42 of these are of the Supply Pod I rarity while the remaining 6 are Supply Pod II.

An important thing to note is that once you get close enough to a Supply Pod, its exact location shows up on your minimap. So if you’re at the locations we’ve listed below but can’t seem to find the Supply Pods, make sure to take a look at your minimap.

The map below shows the exact location of all 48 Tier I and Tier II Tower of Fantasy Supply Pods present in the Astra region.

astra supply pod map

Astra Supply Pod #1 Location (Rarity I)

The first Supply Pod is located right next to the Football Field, at the following coordinates: (-363.7, 754.0). Once you’re at these coordinates, you’ll find the Supply Pod sitting on a pedestal.

Astra Supply Pod #2 Location (Rarity I)

This Supply Pod is located in the area present on the eastern edge of Astra. Once you’re at this area, head to the following coordinates: (-276.1, 830.5).

From these coordinates, jump on top of the screen in front of you and you’ll find the Supply Pod.

Astra Supply Pod #3 Location (Rarity I)

This Supply Pod is located just to the north of Barrenstown, at the following coordinates: (-435.7, 842.4).

Astra Supply Pod #4 Location (Rarity I)

This Supply Pod is located to the west of the Football Field, at the following coordinates (-517.0, 710.4). Once you’re at these coordinates, you’ll find the Supply Pod sitting on a rock.

Astra Supply Pod #5 Location (Rarity II)

This Supply Pod is located to the north of the Football Field, along the edge of the Astra Region. Head to the following coordinates to find it: (461.2, 584.5).

Astra Supply Pod #6 and #7 Location (Rarity I)

These two Supply Pods are located to the west of the Astra Omnium Tower. Head to the following coordinates to find the first one: (-601.5, 651.8).

After finding the first Supply Pod, turn around and head to these coordinates to find the second one (-632.7, 698.6).

Astra Supply Pod #8 Location (Rarity I)

This Supply Pod is located further west from the Astra Omnium Tower. You’ll find it at (-662.4, 683.6).

Once you’re at these coordinates, jump down to the hill in front of you and grab the Supply Pod.

Astra Supply Pod #9 Location (Rarity I)

This Supply Pod is located inside a hill at the following coordinates (-701.8, 662.1). Once you’re at these coordinates, smash through the hill in front of you to find this Supply Pod.

Astra Supply Pod #10 Location (Rarity I)

This Supply Pod is located at the very top of the mountain at (-690.9, 601.0). Once you’re at these coordinates, smash the wooden boxes to uncover the Supply Pod.

Astra Supply Pod #11 Location (Rarity II)

This Supply Pod is located to the east of Supply Pod #10. Head to (-651.8, 572.5) and jump on top of the structure in front of you to find the Supply Pod.

Astra Supply Pod #12 Location (Rarity I)

This Supply Pod is located to the south-east of Rusty Belt, at (-742.4, 535.5). You’ll find it sitting on top of a rock.

Astra Supply Pod #13 Location (Rarity II)

This Supply Pod is located inside the Rusty Belt. This structure can be found near the northern edge of Astra.

Once you’re at the Rusty Belt, go inside the structure and head up the stairs until you’re inside the hollow sphere. Once there, use the platforms to get to the top and you’ll find this Supply Pod sitting on the ledge.

Astra Supply Pod #14 Location (Rarity I)

This Supply Pod is located at the very northern edge of Astra, at (-756.2, 425.7). You’ll find it right next to the lake at these coordinates.

Astra Supply Pod #15 Location (Rarity I)

This Supply Pod is located to the west of Rusty Belt, at (-954.9, 456.0). You’ll find it at the base of the hill at these coordinates.

Astra Supply Pod #16 Location (Rarity I)

This Supply Pod is located to the west of Supply Pod #15, at (-1020.0, 487.3). Once you’re at these coordinates, you’ll find a small metal structure with the Supply Pod sitting on top.

Astra Supply Pod #17 Location (Rarity I)

This Supply Pod is located at the Northern Ring Ranges, which is present at the following coordinates: (-932.0, 557.0).

Astra Supply Pod #18 and #19 Location (Rarity II and I)

These two Supply Pods are located right next to the Northern Ring Ranges. The first one can be found at (-856.8, 614.2). Once you’re at these coordinates, you’ll find the Supply Pod sitting on top of a wooden pedestal.

The next Supply Pod is located at (-880.0, 647.7). You’ll find it sitting on the balcony of the house at these coordinates.

Astra Supply Pod #20 and #21 Location (Rarity I)

These Supply Pods are located near the Astra Shelter river. The first one can be found at (-851.0, 672.8).

After getting the first Supply Pod, drop down from the hill and turn around. Smash the hill to your left and you’ll uncover the Supply Pod sitting inside.

Astra Supply Pod #22 Location (Rarity I)

This Supply Pod is located at (-809.7, 657.6). Once you’re at these coordinates, climb on top of the structure in front of you to find the Supply Pod.

Astra Supply Pod #23 and #24 Location (Rarity I and II)

These Supply Pods are located near the western edge of Astra. You’ll find them both at the following coordinates: (-996.9, 621.9).

Astra Supply Pod #25 Location (Rarity I)

This Supply Pod is located at the Astra Shelter and can be found at the following coordinates: (-979.2, 789.6). Once you’re at these coordinates, jump down on top of the metal tunnel in front of you to find the Supply Pod.

Astra Supply Pod #26 Location (Rarity I)

This Supply Pod is also located at the Astra Shelter. It can be found at the following coordinates: (-1020.6, 818.9). Once you’re at these coordinates, you’ll find yourself at the edge of a hill.

Use your jetpack to drop down onto the sphere in front of you and grab the Supply Pod.

Astra Supply Pod #27 Location (Rarity I)

This Supply Pod is located at the southern edge of the Astra Shelter. Head to (-925.1, 871.4) and go up the stairs to your left. Head to the very tip of the structure of find this Supply Pod.

Astra Supply Pod #28 Location (Rarity I)

 This Supply Pod is located at the western edge of Astra, at (-1151.5, 714.7). Once you’re at these coordinates, you’ll find the Supply Pod sitting on top of a rock tower.

Astra Supply Pod #29 Location (Rarity I)

This Supply Pod is located to the south of Supply Pod #28, at (-1083.8, 836.2).

Astra Supply Pod #30 Location (Rarity I)

This Supply Pod is located to the south of Supply Pod #29, at (-1049.9, 983.4). Once you’re at these coordinates, you’ll find the Supply Pod sitting on top of a wooden pedestal.

Astra Supply Pod #31 Location (Rarity I)

This Supply Pod is located to the east of Supply Pod #30, at (-869.0, 950,9). Once you’re at these coordinates, you’ll find the Supply Pod sitting next to a large boulder.

Astra Supply Pod #32 Location (Rarity I)

This Supply Pod is located to the north-west of Supply Pod #31 and it is very tricky to find. First, head to (-892.6, 929.5) and face towards the north. Drop down three levels and then turn around to find this Supply Pod.

Astra Supply Pod #33 Location (Rarity II)

This Supply Pod is located next to the windmill present on top of the hill at (-799.3, 881.0).

Astra Supply Pod #34 Location (Rarity I)

This Supply Pod is located at the southern edge of Astra, at (-801.4, 1144.3). Once you’re at these coordinates, you’ll find it sitting on top of a metal pedestal.

Astra Supply Pod #35 Location (Rarity I)

This Supply Pod is located to the north of Supply Pod #34, at the following coordinates: (-776.1, 1055.9).

Astra Supply Pod #36 Location (Rarity I)

This Supply Pod is located at the Astra Cemetery.  Head to (-772.1, 974.6) and then jump on top of the tower in front of you to get the Supply Pod.

Astra Supply Pod #37 Location (Rarity I)

This Supply Pod is located at the southern edge of Astra, at (-637.6, 1126.2). Once you’re at these coordinates, you’ll find a platform at the edge of hill with a Supply Pod sitting on top.

Astra Supply Pod #38 and #39 Location (Rarity I and II)

These two Supply Pods are located at the southern edge of Astra. For the first one, head to (-443.5, 997.8) and you’ll find it at the edge of the hill.

For the next Supply Pod, turn around and head to (-458.7, 975.5). You’ll find this Supply Pod resting on a large metal platform.

Astra Supply Pod #40 Location (Rarity I)

This Supply Pod is located at the Southern Ring Ranges. Head to (-601.1, 980.6) and face towards the north-east. Drop down to the staircase below you to find the Supply Pod.

Astra Supply Pod #41 and #42 Location (Rarity I)

These Supply Pods are located at the Crimson Pillars area. Head to (-573.1, 910.9) to find the first one.

For the next one, head to (-641.6, 900.7) and you’ll find it on top of a large crate.

Astra Supply Pod #43 Location (Rarity I)

This Supply Pod is located to the north-east of the Crimson Pillars area, at (-563.8, 873.7).

Astra Supply Pod #44 Location (Rarity I)

This Supply Pod is located to the north of the Astra Cemetery, at (-774.9, 823.8). You’ll find it sitting on top of a wooden pedestal.

Astra Supply Pod #45 and #46 Location (Rarity I)

These Supply Pods are located to the west of Ring of Echos. For the first one, head to (-771.9, 793.2). You’ll find it next to some wooden boxes.

For the next Supply Pod, head to (-739.7, 793.4). You’ll find it sitting on top of a metal pedestal.

Astra Supply Pod #47 Location (Rarity I)

This Supply Pod is located right next to Ring of Echos, at (-606.0, 804.6). You’ll find it at the edge of the hill at these coordinates.

Astra Supply Pod #48 Location (Rarity II)

The final Astra Supply Pod is located on the small island present to the north-west of the Astra mainland, at (-1210.6, 302.1). You’ll find it sitting on top of the metal structure at these coordinates,