In Torchlight 2, Berserkers deal intense damage that shivers enemies. Thanks to their dominating abilities, they can cause brutal damage and chaos. Even the hardest defense can be crushed by them, as they are merciless. In this Torchlight 2 guide, you will discover the 4 builds for the Berserker, each at level 100 with 145 skill points and 495 total stat points.
Note that the stats of the builds are not hard-and-fast and are meant only to give you an idea of the point distribution.
Berserker Tank Build

- Strength 112
- Dexterity 173
- Focus 5
- Vitality 245
- Raze (15/15)
- Battle Rage (5/15)
- Blood Hunger (15/15)
- Rampage (15/15)
- Iceshield (15/15)
- Shadow Burst (15/15)
- Wolf Shade (15/15)
- Shadowbind (15/15)
- Savage Rush (5/15)
- Battle Standard (15/15)
- Shred Armor (15/15)
This badass berserker tank build is a little slow to start in Torchlight 2, but can progress to become quite overpowered as you level up.
The good thing about the Berserker is that he can benefit from Vitality, Strength, and Dexterity. Strength is the biggest issue here. This may sound surprising, but it isn’t because Blood Hunger is your primary objective, so you need some heavy critical strike chance.
Thus, it’s essential to build a decent amount of Dexterity. Of course, Vitality still gets the most favor because of the tanking nature of the build.
When it comes to skills, Raze is your bread-and-butter damage source. This, combined with powerful skills like Shadow Burst and Wolf Shade, will ensure that you are doing a lot of damage and keeping yourself healthy.
Savage Rush has been invested only because it makes you so fast, a bonus for a strong tank (especially in co-op games). However, you must invest in Focus to sustain its mana cost and bring the damage up to a respectable level.
Battle Standard is a powerful defensive ability that again assists in co-op and solo games. Shred Armor should ensure that enemies become weaker and weaker as you attack them, which can be useful against more difficult foes.
Berserker DPS Build

- Strength 300
- Dexterity 113
- Focus 5
- Vitality 117
- Eviscerate (15/15)
- Howl (15/15)
- Battle Rage (15/15)
- Blood Hunger (5/15)
- Executioner (15/15)
- Rampage (15/15)
- Rage Retaliation (15/15)
- Shadow Burst (5/15)
- Frenzy Mastery (15/15)
- Red Wolf (15/15)
- Shred Armor (15/15)
This is the most conventional way to play the Berserker – as a high-damage-dealing DPS character in co-op games. But it can be used quite well during a solo run.
The main damage sources in this build are Eviscerate and Battle Rage, which combine brilliantly with your 300-point Strength.
This will ensure you are doing 150% additional weapon damage to your enemies. When this effect is combined with that of the bleed from Eviscerate and the Shred Armor from the Shadow passives, it will do some serious damage in very little time.
Shadow Burst is a short dash that stuns enemies, giving you enough time to attack them, plan your moves, or at least escape. It heals 10% of your max health and 60% when maxed.
This build will require more aggressive methods of play, which can get a little risky against tougher enemies while soloing.
However, the Berserker isn’t named the way it is for no reason; hence, there is every reason to go all out with this kind of build.
Berserker Frost Caster Build

- Strength 102
- Dexterity 170
- Focus 208
- Vitality 55
- Executioner (15/15)
- Frost Breath (15/15)
- Northern Rage (15/15)
- Iceshield (15/15)
- Permafrost (15/15)
- Glacial Shatter (15/15)
- Shatter Storm (15/15)
- Shadowbind (10/15)
- Frenzy Mastery (15/15)
- Red Wolf (15/15)
This is a frost caster build for the Berserker in Torchlight 2. Funny as the class might seem with a wand, the Berserker is equipped with some really powerful ice-based skills in the Tundra tree.
You might struggle initially in the build, but it can later on become quite powerful – so powerful that you might even laugh at the site of a wand-wielding Berserker causing havoc.
The obvious source of damage comes from the Tundra skills and the strong investment in the Focus stat. For the requirements of the Berserker in general, we’ve also added many points in Strength. However, Dexterity is prioritized more because of the associated critical strike chance.
You wouldn’t need too much Vitality when you are in a more stable phase on the build, but you shouldn’t be surprised to see yourself putting in some points in the stat early on.
Your main skills here are Frost Breath, Northern Rage, Permafrost, and Glacial Shatter. Getting Permafrost to have its effect in the best manner possible can be a little difficult, but it is an excellent AoE skill that should prove itself. Don’t let the wand(s) get stuck in your beard!
Frost Breath’s damage increases the buff. The damage bonus from Frost Breath applies after your entire damage is calculated. Northern Rage’s minimum and maximum damage range are huge and impressive.
Torchlight 2 Shadow-Hunter Berserker Builds

- Strength 184
- Dexterity 333
- Focus 8
- Vitality 10
- Eviscerate (15/15)
- Blood Hunger (5/15)
- Executioner (15/15)
- Rampage (15/15)
- Wolf Shade (15/15)
- Shadowbind (15/15)
- Battle Standard (10/15)
- Frenzy Mastery (15/15)
- Red Wolf (15/15)
- Shred Armor (15/15)
Returning to the more orthodox stuff, we get a plain and simple build, with nothing to give in the Tundra tree and much to use in the Shadow and Hunter trees (the former more abundant).
For the sake of getting a heck of a lot of critical chances, you want to increase your Dexterity as much as possible. If your point distribution and management are good, you should be able to compensate for the lack of points in Vitality through the amazing Blood Hunger passive.
With 333 Dexterity, you’ll have around 45% of a critical hit chance, meaning that, on average, you will critically strike every second hit, which is quite fantastic.
Eviscerate is your primary source of DoT and heavy damage in this build. You also get to utilize the 6 passives here, which will greatly increase your effectiveness in terms of sheer damage and greatly improve your critical strike’s damage output.
It’s an overall powerful build that may lack survivability early on but can more than makeup for it with some heavy critical damage in the later stages.