From a Land Far, Far Away is a secondary quest you can complete after reaching Skellige in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. In this quest, you are tasked with traveling large distances and uncovering shipwrecks that contain a letter and directions to an unfamiliar location. While undertaking this task, you will find a man looking for a woman who speaks a foreign tongue.
He claims that she is from a land far away. He is tasked with finding the woman and bringing her to justice. The woman is accused of kidnapping a child, and it is up to this man to bring him back.
You will find a diary written by a foreign refugee on the shipwrecks. With the fate of the shipwreck’s survivors unknown, you will search the island of Skellige to return that diary to its owner in The Witcher 3.
How to start from a land far, far away quest
Make your way to the Redgill harbor and take a boat to sail directly east towards Hindarsfjall. Along the way, you will come across a small, unnamed island to explore. Climb up the hill, and you will find a dead body and a journal lying near a tree. That corpse has a journal that you can read to start the quest.

In that journal, a chest is mentioned as having been lost in the sea near a shipwreck. Its exact location is not mentioned, but it’s easy to find if you follow our walkthrough.
Investigate the first ship

To find the chest, you first need to find the sunk ship. Go to the southeast and look for a mast protruding from the water. Swim straight to it you will find a chest containing a “letter sealed with impermeable wax” and the “captain’s log.”

The letter is written in an unfamiliar language while reading the captain’s log will reveal the location of a second ship.
Investigate the second ship

The Captain’s log will direct you to the village of Ursten, located on the coast of Velen. If you travel there fast, you will find a warrior at the signpost. He is easy to spot, as he has an exclamation mark above his head.

You can speak with him, but advancing the quest is unnecessary. You can simply ignore him and move forward. The Warrior will tell you about a woman who kidnapped a kid and ran away.

After talking to the warrior, your second objective will begin. You need to uncover what happened to the second ship. To do that, you need to head towards the opening of the River Pontar and search along the shoreline for the wreckage of the second ship.

Once you reach it, use the Witcher senses to follow the footsteps of an adult and a child in the From A Land Far Far Away quest in The Witcher 3.
Talk to the foreign woman
After following in their footsteps, you will reach a wooden watchtower on a river bank, where you will find a foreign woman. When she sees you, she will start running, and you need to follow her.

She will lead you to a cave called “Widow’s Grotto.” If you haven’t talked to the warrior earlier, you will see him again outside the cave, asking you to punish her. However, if you have talked to him, the woman will try to talk to you in a foreign language.

You can tell the warrior about the woman’s location and he will grant you with gold. Your best choice here is to not tell him because you need to talk to a foreign woman.
Decide the fate of the woman

You will find the warrior outside the cave, he will tell you that he is to punish her and take the child home. Now you can either protect the woman or let the warrior punish her.
To protect the woman, simply strike the warrior and he will be defeated. This will grant you with 50 XP and Stone Medallion. But if you choose the latter option, he will simply kill the woman and take the child. You will not receive any reward. Either way you’ll complete the From A Land Far Far Away quest in The Witcher 3.