Where To Find The Hunting Rifle In The Last Of Us Part 1

The Hunting Rifle, also known as the bolt-action rifle, is a powerful armor-piercing rifle that you can have in The...

The Hunting Rifle, also known as the bolt-action rifle, is a powerful armor-piercing rifle that you can have in The Last of Us Part 1.

While the rifle initially comes without a scope, it does enough damage to rip apart the armor of some of the toughest enemies in the game.

A fully upgraded Hunting Rifle is what you need to kill Bloaters and armored humans. You can also destroy a Clicker with a single headshot.

You can also find a workbench to add a scope later on if there is a need. Considering the amount of damage the rifle does, you just need to focus on its raw power upgrades early on.

The following guide will show you where to find the Hunting Rifle in The Last of Us Part 1.

Where to find the Hunting Rifle

You will be able to get your hands on the Hunting Rifle during the Outskirts chapter. Following the cutscene where Tess sacrifices herself, you need to head to the second floor of the Capitol Building. When you reach the second level, jump across the building to pick up the Hunting Rifle from the Firefly corpse.

Once you have a Hunting Rifle in your inventory, make sure to save a lot of parts and tools to upgrade the weapon at the next workbench.

You can improve the reload speed and the clip capacity of the long gun. You can also upgrade its armor-piercing rounds as well as the damage each shot does.

Always aim for the head for 100 percent damage. The rifle otherwise does 70 percent damage to the body. With all of the upgrades, your Hunting Rifle will destroy armor in a single shot.

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