In The Division 2’s Warlords of New York expansion, several new missions and locations have been added. There are also many new collectibles for players to find and collect, including the return of SHD tech caches from the base game, which are very useful.
While you’ll find SHD Tech caches throughout New York, there are only 5 in the Battery Park area in The Division 2. You can collect these caches and then use them to unlock upgrades for your characters in Washington and New York. In this guide, we will tell you all their locations.
SHD Tech Cache #1

In the Battery Park region, you will find a white Bakers truck that you can climb to reach the platform above it. Climb the rope to the rooftop and then continue forward to drop down in the area below.
Now, you need to head to the far end and turn right, where a narrow alley will take you to another area to climb stairs. Up at the top, you will find the SHD Tech Cache.
SHD Tech Cache #2

This SHD cache can be found in the west part of Battery Park. The area is fenced with a padlock. Shoot the padlock and then shoot for the rope that will go straight up. Climb with the rope to reach the top, and you will find the SHD Tech cache straight ahead.
SHD Tech Cache #3

This item can be found near the Vale Arms Hotels, where a truck is next to the Laundromat sign. Climb the truck and then onto the platform above it. Now, turn right and follow the rope to the SHD Tech cache.
SHD Tech Cache #4

This can be found in the western part of this region, where you will have to fight many enemies. You can ignore them and then run inside the building to climb the stairs leading you to the first floor. The SHD cache will be inside the room, right next to a dead body.
SHD Tech Cache #5

For the last SHD Tech cache, you have to go south of Battery Park in The Division 2. There will be a large white building near the water. You need to head to the backside of the building near the shore, where the SHD will be on an AC unit.