All The Team Skulls Headquarters Passwords In Pokemon Sun And Moon

This guide will help you with all Team Skulls Headquarters Passwords in Pokemon Ultra Sun and Moon so that you can enter the mansion and challenge Guzma.

This guide will help you with all the Team Skulls Headquarters Passwords in Pokemon Ultra Sun and Moon so that you can enter the mansion and challenge Guzma.

Over the course of the journey in Pokemon Ultra Sun and Moon, players will come across a group who call themselves Team Skulls. Players will encounter them after completing the Thrifty Mart Trial and you have to go to Aether House to find that Team Skulls have stolen a Pokemon.

For more help on Pokemon Ultra Sun and Moon also read our Megastones Guide, Ultra Poipole Guide, and EXP Farming Guide.

The mission will take players to Team Skulls Headquarters. In the Po Town, the players will find a mansion which is the residence of Team Skull’s boss Guzma.

However, you won’t be able to enter and challenge Guzma as there will be a guard who will require three passwords from you and only then will the guard let you enter the Team Skulls headquarters and this guide will detail the passwords that you require so that you can enter the mansion and challenge Guzma.

Team Skulls Headquarters Passwords In Pokemon Sun And Moon

This guide will detail all the Team Skulls Passwords in Pokemon Ultra Sun and Moon so that players can enter the mansion.

In order to enter the Team Skulls HQ, players need to talk to the guard outside who will ask three question and in the answer, players need to give the password.

Below are the questions and the passwords so that you can enter the Headquarters and challenge Guzma. The guard will ask three times and players need to give the right password in response.

Q: Which move does Master Guzma like best?

Ans: Beat up.

Q: Which Pokemon does Master Guzma like best?

Ans: Golisopod

Q: Which drink does Master Guzma like best?

Ans: Tapu Cocoa

Q: you think the passwords are ‘Beat up’, ‘Golisopod’and ‘Tapu Cocoa’. Are you sure?

Ans: No.

The last answer is no because Team Skull grunts are trained to give a cold hard no to every question. Once you have answered all the questions, the grunt will let you in

Just give these passwords in the same sequence when asked the questions and the guard will let you go inside and you can challenge Guzma. If there is anything else that you would like to add, let us know in the comments section below!

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