Starfield Loose Ends Walkthrough

To tie up the Loose Ends of a smuggler, you must deliver his package and decide the fate of a man named Felix in Starfield.

Loose Ends is a miscellaneous mission that unfolds in the cyberpunk city of Neon in Starfield.

Get set to come across the criminal underworld of this city, as you’ll have to work alongside the crooks that operate illegally in the sparkling streets of Neon.

This thrilling and risky mission will require you to interact with criminals, deliver a secret package, and decide the fate of a man named Felix.

Both dangerous, risky, and morally offensive, the Loose Ends side mission in Starfield has a lot to offer. This guide will walk you through the whole process of completing the mission. Let’s get started.

How to unlock the Loose Ends mission

Loose Ends takes place in the city of Neon which lies on the Volii Alpha planet in the Volii System. This is the same location where the Ryujin Industries questline unfolds.

After landing on this planet for the first time, head towards the gates of Neon City. At the spaceport, you’ll witness a man named Neshar getting arrested near the elevator, and your Loose Ends side quest will commence.

How to complete Loose Ends in Starfield

At the beginning of the Loose Ends side mission in Starfield, a smuggler named Neshar Omani will be arrested at the spaceport for attempting to smuggle Aurora.

This man will be taken to the Neon Security HQ located in Bayu Plaza, and you can head over there to continue the story.

Head into the security headquarters where you’ll find Neshar in a cell behind locked doors. He’ll request your help and will tell you about the mysterious package buried in a sleepcrate that must be delivered to Yannick Legrande, an illegal booze dealer.

After accepting to help Neshar, you’ll receive the location of the package, which will lead you to the Ebbside, along with a password you’ll require to receive the crate.

Track down Neshar’s Package

Ebbside is located in an alley between the Volii Hotel and Neon Security Headquarters. Head inside and find the sleepcrate manager, Izna Sundararaman.

Ask her for Neshar’s Package and provide her the password to gain access to the sleepcrate C-153. You can open the sleepcrate with your key.

After receiving the Package, you must head towards Legrande’s Liquor Shop and find Yannick Legrande to speak to him.

You must tell him about Neshar Omani and give him the Package to be rewarded with credits. Moreover, you’ll receive another objective from Yannick as he’ll offer a working opportunity for you.

Yannick will tell you about his illegal beverage “Blend,” which will bypass all checks performed by the authorities.

Yannick’s blend is some pretty powerful stuff, but he feels his booze business is under threat after Neshar’s capture. He’ll give you an objective of dealing with Felix Sadler, who is located in Warehouse 01.

Should you persuade or kill Felix?

You will face three thugs after reaching Warehouse 01. Defeat them and then continue until you find Felix. Strangely enough, he will appear to be in a good mood and will even compliment you on your skills against the Syndicate gang members.

You will have two ways to deal with Felix. You can either persuade him to leave the planet or kill him. We recommend going with the first option since your companions will favor that.  

Once you’re done dealing with Felix, head back to Yannick, and he’ll reward you with Credits and some ingredients you’ll be needing in the next side mission called Fishy Business.

Starfield – Loose Ends mission rewards

You will receive the following rewards upon completion of the Loose Ends quest in Starfield:

  • EXP: 50
  • 2500 Credits for delivering Neshar’s Package
  • 4300 Credits for dealing with Felix
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Ali is a passionate RPG gamer. He believes that western RPGs still have a lot to learn from JRPGs. He is editor-in-chief at but that doesn't stop him from writing about his favorite video ...