Starfield Fauna Guide

Fauna in Starfield are living creatures that you need to scan to progress in the 100% completion of the Planet survey.

As you travel inside the giant cosmos in Starfield, your journey will include traveling from one part to another and coming across Fauna. You will find yourself frequently visiting planets of various galaxies.

The survey data is one of the most famous monetary gains you can make from visiting the planets. The survey data revolves around surveying elements of the planets. To achieve the 100% survey score, users must fulfill the flora, fauna, traits, and resources quota.

In this guide, I will take you through Fauna, living creatures inhabiting the planets. These creatures can appear bizarre, beautiful, or horrific in Starfield. They might leave you or come rapidly and aggressively towards you.

How to scan Fauna in Starfield

Fauna can be found over different terrains and regions located inside the planet. Scanning Fauna requires traversing over the surveying religion. If you are far off and can’t see any creatures nearby, try to locate moveable objects in the scanner and then move toward them. To take out the scanner, use F on your keyboard. If you are an Xbox user, then press LB.

Furthermore, check all the biomes enlisted in the surveying planet, and do not neglect the minute creatures you see, as they also amount to completing your survey data. When you see a creature, take out the scanner and point it at it. After that, press E to scan the Fauna in Starfield. Xbox users can press A. Do not ignore the liquid or coastal area over the planets; traversing near them can prompt the Ocean biome.

However, we advise you to keep your distance from the waters. Even if they appear as much as the likes of water, they may not. They can be acidic, lead you towards afflictions, and damage you, so tread cautiously.

List of Fauna in Starfield

The variance in Fauna is very high as you will come across diversified creatures as you explore the planets. They range from hostile to friendly in Starfield; either way, keep your distance when it comes to them.

  • Pack Coralbug
  • Herding Cutterhead Herbivore
  • Flocking Shardhopper Geophage
  • Mossgnath
  • Swarming Twistfin
  • Swarming Cockroach
  • Flocking Vuvuzelisk Grazer
  • Hunting Bonefrill
  • Grazing Ensifer
  • Herding Lockjaw Grazer
  • Herding Crab Herbivore
  • Elk Crangon
  • Swarming Dragon
  • Brainsprout Herbivore
  • Flocking Blistercrab Herbivore
  • Juvenile Grylloba Hunter
  • Hunting Sailgator
  • Flocking Clawback Filterer
  • Herding Crab Grazer
  • Pack Scorpion
  • Herding Blister Filterer
  • Heroing Leafbug Grazer
  • Twintail
  • Ashta
  • Thormantis
  • Siren
  • Spider wasp
  • Twistfin
  • Coralbug
  • Maggotmaw
  • Shroomhead
  • Carasnail Scavenger
  • Apex Parrothawk
  • Flocking Seabat Geophage
  • Hunting Tuskfrog
  • Kreet Stalker
  • Metrobus
  • Hexapod
  • Clawback
  • Crab

There’s more than this, but these are the ones that stand out most prominently. Faunas in Starfield further yield organic resources used in weapons and equipment craft.

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Ali is a passionate RPG gamer. He believes that western RPGs still have a lot to learn from JRPGs. He is editor-in-chief at but that doesn't stop him from writing about his favorite video ...