Starfield Charity Of The Wolf Walkthrough

Get ready to help out the poor by collecting donations and looking up a delayed wheat shipment in Starfield's Charity of the Wolf.

You are going to be collecting donations in the Charity of the Wolf mission of Starfield. These are going to help Amira at Low House who has been taking care of the poor people by providing them with a meal and a bed to sleep in.

She has also been waiting for the Wheat shipment but it has not arrived yet. Maybe you can find out why the food has been delayed?

This article has covered every aspect of completing Charity of the Wolf in Starfield, continue reading to learn more.

How to unlock the Charity of the Wolf mission

Charity of the Wolf requires you to complete a little activity in Starfield. Head over to Akila City and bump into a patrolling guard outside of Coe’s Estate. He will inform you about Amira Wolf who might need your help at the Low House.

How to complete Charity of the Wolf in Starfield

Once you reach Akila City, you need to make your way to Low House. In order to get there, you can start your way from the main entrance of the city near the Spaceport.

You have to go straight on the path until the time comes when you are able to see a green statue. Take the left from the statue, and you will see stairs in front of you which you need to take and keep going straight until you get to the tower of Sinclair’s book.

From here, go towards the left by passing an alley and you will find stairs going downwards. Follow the stairs to the downside which leads you to a road. Once you are on the road, make your way on the right-hand side, and eventually on the left side, you will come across the Low House.

Go inside the Low House to speak with Amira Wolf. She will give you information about this place that they are making efforts to give meals and a bed to sleep in for the people who cannot afford it. So, she will request you to give them a donation of just 100 credits.

After that, you will be given a dialogue option where you need to select the second option which is to help her.

She is worried about the shipment of IntelliWheat because the time has exceeded and the shipment has not arrived yet. So, she wants your help to find out why the shipment is late.

Ask Sarah Filburn about late shipment

Next, you need to find Sarah Filburn to ask her about the shipment delay reason. If you have tracked your mission, you can go after the Blue marker, it will lead you to the location of Sarah Filburn. She can be found in the residential area.

You can easily trace with the blue marker which leads to Weston Filburn’s House written on the door. Get inside and communicate with her in which she will discuss her issues.

You need to wait for a moment when she will offer you her help in any way. Now, you have to tell her that you were sent by Amira Wolf to ask you the reason for the Wheat Shipment delay.

She will inform you that farming equipment is required to be rebooted physically and no one is willing to do it because Ashta has occupied the area.

Now, you need to reach the location where the farming equipment is placed. Again, you need to follow the blue marker which will lead you to the outer side of the city through a gate.

Once you are on the other side of the gate, you will see a structure in front of you where you have to fight with these Ashta enemies to wipe them out as they have occupied the farming equipment.

Reboot the farming equipment

Once the area is clear, take the stairs and reboot the Filburn Automated Farming Computer. Then return to Amira and tell her the good news.

She will ask you to find three people and collect the donations from them for the Low House.

Get the donations

The first person from whom you need to take donations is Duncan Lynch. He can be found in the Trade Authority tower which is located in the city of Akila. Once you reach there by following the blue marker, you will ask him for the donation but he will straightly say no.

The second person whom you need to take donations is Reisha Lance. She can be found in the shop of Laredo Firearms near the tower of Trade Authority. When you will ask her for the donation, she will easily give you.

The third person you need to take the donation from is Mayor Elias Cartwright. You can keep following the blue marker to reach his location. As you ask him for the donation, He will also hand over it easily.

Return to Amira Wolf

Once you have collected all the donations, make your way back to Amira to report to her that you have brought donations for Low House.

She will say thanks to you and also tell you that Sarah has given me the credits to hand over to you as you help everyone by defeating Ashta.

Now, she will ask you to do one more thing for her which is to take IntelliWheat and deliver to Simone Jansen. You can find him near to the location where you are standing, you just need to follow the blue marker and you will get to the place of Simone Jansen.

Once you reach there, Simone will say thanks to you as you are helping the needy people. This act of yours will complete the side mission of Charity of the Wolf in Starfield.

Starfield – Charity of the Wolf mission rewards

On your successful completion of the Charity of the Wolf side mission in Starfield, you will be able to acquire 200 EXP and 5000 Credits.

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Ali is a passionate RPG gamer. He believes that western RPGs still have a lot to learn from JRPGs. He is editor-in-chief at but that doesn't stop him from writing about his favorite video ...