Sonic Frontiers Release Date Updated on SteamDB, Denuvo Included?

Based on the history of updated entries on SteamDB page of Sonic Frontiers, the release date might be Nov. 8 or Dec. 3 and it may have denuvo.

Since the announcement of Sonic Frontiers back in December, 2021, fans have been quite excited for the next Sonic adventure in an open world. The game is basically Sonic with the modern bells and whistles. However, the highly anticipated title from SEGA doesn’t have an official release date yet.

That could change though as some changes on game’s SteamDB page have been spotted. If we check the history of these changes, we will come across two major changes; One is the apparent release date and the other is the inclusion of Denuvo.

First, the release date was changed to November 8, 2022. After a few hours, that release date entry changed to December 3, 2022. At the time writing, the release date has been changed back to Holiday 2022 which we already knew.

So despite the hopes, the actual release date is anyone’s guess. However, these updates to the release date entries of Sonic Frontiers could mean that SEGA is ready to officially announce the release date of the game. Since Holiday 2022 release date is already confirmed, there is a high chance that Sonic Frontiers could release either on November 8 or December 3.

The release date isn’t the only interesting information listed on SteamDB page of Sonic Frontiers. Yesterday, the SteamDB page mentioned an entry of Denuvo indicating that the game will include Denuvo. However, now, that too has been changed and the current SteamDB page of Sonic Frontiers doesn’t have anything related to Denuvo. Fans are already speculating that the removal was just for ignoring bad press and the game might eventually end up having it.

Apart from release date and Denuvo, some small tidbits like full controller support, steam cloud and steam achievements have also been updated. Let’s hope that SEGA officially announces the release date soon.

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Ali is a passionate RPG gamer. He believes that western RPGs still have a lot to learn from JRPGs. He is editor-in-chief at but that doesn't stop him from writing about his favorite video ...