Shin Megami Tensei V Endings Guide

In this guide, we'll be going over different methods to unlock different Shin Megami Tensei V Endings along with a very hidden option!

The ending of any RPG is a significant part of the game; Shin Megami Tensei V is no exception in this regard, with so many bonuses at stake. In this guide, we will get your speed with everything that you need to know about all the Shin Megami Tensei V Endings.

Shin Megami Tensei V Endings

There are essentially four endings in SMT V and while three of these are standard branch endings, the fourth one is a bit more concealed, with it being marked with a little star icon by the file screen.

Regardless of the choices that you make throughout the game, you will always be able to pick from one of the three standard endings. You get to make this decision at the top of the Temple of Eternity, after overcoming Metatron.

However, it’s worth mentioning that your choices, throughout the game, do make a minor impact on the ending you get if your choices do not align with the ending you choose.

For instance, if you choose an ending that doesn’t align with your choices, you’ll be charged 666,000 Macca for an end-game NPC.

On the contrary, if you choose the right ending, you won’t be charged any Macca and on top of that, you may also acquire a bonus Miracle.

Anyhow, once you choose the right ending, you’ll arrive at the final location of the game – Empyrean. This location will vary in certain aspects, depending upon which of the three endings you choose.

However, Empyrean will always have the following components, regardless of the ending you choose:

  • The area will always have the same layout, except that the main bosses will be different.
  • Mini-bosses will always be the same.
  • Given that you have completed “The Bull Dog’s Lineage”, Demeter will always be in the Empyrean with the final quest in her questline.
  • There will always be a Maria NPC in the Empyrean, given that you have the Seed of Life key at your disposal. However, the quest that this NPC will give, varies depending upon the ending you choose.
  • After the credits roll, you will always unlock Herald Abdiel, Lady Nuwa, and Fallen Abdiel for fusion.
  • You will always unlock two additional Miracles, namely Divine Persuasion and Divine Eminence.

Having said that, let’s delve into all the endings of SMT V!

SMT V Endings Choices

Ending #1

Final Dialogue Choice: I will uphold God’s Order

This is the first ending on our list and one that aligns Ichiro Dazai and Abdiel, with Nahobino.

If your choices throughout the game align with this ending, you’ll earn the bonus Miracle Rank Violation, which eliminates the Level limitation for Demon Fusion.

Furthermore, Herald Abdiel and Maria will automatically be unlocked for fusion. ‘The Compassionate Queen’ is Maria’s quest.

In addition, you’ll find a Melchizedek NPC with a message for Michael. You’ll find Michael at the end of the Temple of Eternity, the location, where you’ll also acquire the ‘The Seraph’s Return’ quest.

Once you complete this quest, you’ll be able to add Michael to your party, unlocking him for fusion.

Ending #2

Final Dialogue Choice: I will recreate the world and save Tokyo.

This ending aligns Yuzuru and Hayao Koshimizu with Atsuta Nahobino.

If your choices align with this ending, you’ll earn the bonus Miracle Inheritance Violation, which overwrites a demon’s starting skills, when they are fused.

Furthermore, Holy Hayataro and Inanna will automatically be unlocked for fusion. ‘The Wrathful Queen’ is Maria’s quest.

In addition, you’ll find a Nebiros NPC with a message for Belial. You’ll find Belial at the end of the Demon King Castle, the location, where you’ll also acquire the ‘The Red Dragon’s Invitation’ quest.

Once you complete this quest, you’ll be able to add Belial to your party, unlocking him for fusion.

Ending #3

Final Dialogue Choice: I will destroy the throne.

This ending aligns Nuwa with Shohei Yakumo and is the most basic endings of all. Upon choosing this ending, you’ll unlock Danu for fusion. As for Maria’s quest, it is called ‘The Noble Queen’.

Ending # 4

Final Dialogue Choice: Create a world for humanity alone

The fourth ending of SMT V is the hidden one we talked about earlier. In this ending, there is no alignment; instead, a new world will be created for only humans.

This is by far the best ending in the game and you’re rarely given an option to choose. However, here is everything that you can do to increase your chances of unlocking this ending.

So, basically, since the fourth ending is a branch of the ‘Destroy the Throne’ ending, to acquire it, you need to select the relevant option at the top of the Temple of Eternity.

Once you have picked the ‘Destroy the Throne’ ending, proceed ahead through the Empyrean until you encounter Abdiel.

Immediately after you defeat her, the branch for the fourth ending will appear, given that you have met the pre-requisites. So, what happens is that after you defeat Abdiel, Nuwa may make another appearance in front of the Nahobino.

If she does appear, then you will be presented with a dialogue choice; choose ‘Create a world for humanity alone.’ Otherwise, you will find yourself stuck on the Destroy the Throne ending.

To increase the chances of the reappearance of Nuwa, try to complete as many quests as possible, especially the ‘A Universe in Peril’ and ‘The Succession of Ra’ quests.

Also, you can try to play the game in NG+ as it will make your ventures through the game a lot easier.