In Remnant 2, there are many ways to find gear and resources, including safes located around the world. These safes may give you various items that can help you upgrade your character and progress through the game.
The Great Sewers in Losomn also contain one such safe in Remnant 2, but the safe code can be quite a challenge to figure out. In this guide, we’ll go over its location and how to solve the puzzle to acquire the items encased within.
Where to find the Safe in the Sewers in Remnant 2?

Since Dungeons have a pretty random layout in Remnant 2, we can’t give the exact location of the safe. However, in our world, the safe’s location was pretty easy to find. We just traveled straight, after a right turn, along the main path of the sewers of Losomn from the start of The Great Sewers. The same place where you get the quest that can reward you Dria’s Anklet.
How to open the safe in The Great Sewers in Remnant 2?
Once you enter the room, an iron safe will be in front of you. Once you get close to it, you will notice a broken wall with numbers written on it. There is a lamp from which the light falls onto the numbers, and one of the numbers glows. This is the first digit of the safe code in Remnant 2 sewers.
The number and its position are important here, as you need to input them in the correct order. It is the key as the room is filled with numbers, and the correct number glows when light falls on it. The lamp can also be broken.

Take out your flashlight (Press L by default) and move around. You might see a glowing number on the back of your wall. In my case, it is 8. In your case, it might be different, as the game randomizes everything. While the numbers are the same, the order in which they are used for the safe code is different.

Now, we have two of the four numbers required to unlock the safe. Go to the stairs, and as you go forward, you should be able to find your third number above the roof of the wooden shed.

Go straight from there, keeping your flashlight on, and you will see wooden planks. Shoot these planks, as the last number is behind them. Once you shoot them, they will break, and the final number will be revealed. In my case, it was 1.

Now, return to the Safe and press E (By default) to open the safe combination. Place the numbers in the right positions as they were written when searching for them. In my case, the first number is 3, followed by 5, 8, and 1.
The most common combinations for the safe in Remnant 2 sewers are 8-5-3-1 and 5-8-1-3. Unfortunately, it was none of them in my case, so don’t panic if it is the same for your case. Press the interact button again, and your safe will be opened.
The Great Sewers Safe rewards
After unlocking the Great Sewer Safe, you will receive the Rusted Heirloom ring. The ring buffs players with 2 stacks of the Bulwark status effect when their health drops below 50%, This way any further damage taken is significantly reduced, giving players time to heal or run to safety.
The Great Sewers Boss

During your time in the Great Sewers, you’ll also come across a boss named the Bloat King. Due to the procedurally generated nature of the game, he may spawn in several locations, and in some cases, he may not spawn at all. If the latter happens, reroll the area.
To defeat this boss, dodging is key. Once you start shooting it, it will start firing blue projectiles, which deal devastating damage. Occasionally, this boss will also fire a laser that has the potential to one-shot you. The best way to deal with this attack is to just across the arena.
If you play as a Handler, you can bring the dog. While the dog will most likely get killed, it does well to distract the Bloat King as you shoot at it and/or reposition yourself in the arena.
Apart from this, The Bloat King also spawns several orbs that fire projectiles. Whenever this happens, prioritize taking these orbs before switching your focus back to the main boss.