How To Get The Master Portal Key In Remnant 2

You need the Master Portal Key to open the path to the Labyrinth Sentinel, the last line of The Keeper’s defense in Remnant 2.

An apparatus for stabilizing portals, The Master Portal Key is part of the quest items in Remnant 2. It appears as a dark cube with circular crevices on each side.

The Master Portal Key is hidden behind a locked door in The Labyrinth biome. It is always the second world you will experience and is one of the only unchanging maps in Remnant 2.

Traversing through this maze can be confusing and time-consuming so follow along our simple steps to easily find the locked door.

The Master Portal Key location in Remnant 2

The Master Portal Key is hidden behind a locked door which can only be accessed after completing the Labyrinth’s Energy Event in Remnant 2.

To get to this locked door, you will have to first teleport to The Entangled Gauntlet checkpoint in The Labyrinth. Next to the checkpoint is a portal changing locations every 5s.

You will have to wait for the Colosseum of Ruin to be active which is the one with a cracked stone pathway and a Worldstone in the background to jump through.

Once you are on the other side, immediately jump off to the side platforms as the landing stone will break within a few seconds. Grab the checkpoint and head into the fog wall upfront where you will encounter the locked door holding The Master Portal Key in Remnant 2.

Before the door is a pedestal and shooting the diamond orb of light above it will trigger the Energy Event. During the event, you will have to fight waves of stone constructs with the elite golem in the final round.

Upon completion, you will be rewarded with the Amplitude Trait and unlock the door to obtain The Master Portal Key.

Where to use The Master Portal Key in Remnant 2

You will use The Master Portal Key on the altar in front of The Fractured Ingress Checkpoint in The Labyrinth biome.  It opens a new path to Labyrinth Sentinel, the last line of The Keeper’s defense and the main boss of The Labyrinth.

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Ali is a passionate RPG gamer. He believes that western RPGs still have a lot to learn from JRPGs. He is editor-in-chief at but that doesn't stop him from writing about his favorite video ...