How To Get The Field Medic Armor Set In Remnant 2

The Field Medic Set is medium-weight and will not compromise your mobility in Remnant 2. You will get increased agility and dodge.

The Field Medic Set is one of the medium armor sets you can equip in Remnant 2. While you do not get to wear any surgical coats. the war-torn appearance gives you high resistance against bleed and blight damage types, something to consider when going up against such enemies.

There are no set bonuses to enjoy here, unfortunately, but you do get enhanced agility and faster movement speed to dodge incoming attacks and move around the battlefield quicker.

If you’re unsure about how to get the Field Medic Armor Set in Remnant 2, follow this guide, and you’ll know it all.

The Field Medic armor set location in Remnant 2

Getting your hands on the Field Medic armor set is quite easy in Remnant 2. Firstly, it is part of the starting equipment of the Medic archetype. So, if you have chosen the Medic as your starting class, you will automatically have the Field Medic Set.

If you are playing the game with another archetype, you can still get the Field Medic Set by purchasing it from Whispers in Ward 13.

Returning from the first game, Remnant: From the Ashes, Whispers is now an arms merchant and he sells almost all of the armor sets in Remnant 2. You can find his workshop in Ward 13. He wears a gas mask, so he should not be hard to find.

Speak with Whispers and pay him 2750 Scrap to get the Field Medic armor set, including the Field Medic Overcoat, Gloves, Hat, and Trousers.

Field Medic Set stats and bonuses

The Field Medic Set is very important to purchase when using the Medic Archetype. This is a medium armor set, meaning it’s not as heavy as other armor sets.

The following are the stats of the Field Medic Set:

  • Weight: 35
  • Armor: 68
  • Bleed Resistance: 15
  • Burn Resistance: 0
  • Shock Resistance: 0
  • Blight Resistance: 8
  • Toxin Resistance: 2
  • Normal Dodge with a 25% penalty on Stamina cost

As you can see from the stats, the Field Medic is not as heavy as other sets and will not compromise your character’s mobility. This will increase your agility and allow you to move around easier and quicker.

Moreover, you’ll be able to make more effective and quicker dodges. Overall, this armor set increases your combat expertise and allows you to take your enemies down better.

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Ali is a passionate RPG gamer. He believes that western RPGs still have a lot to learn from JRPGs. He is editor-in-chief at but that doesn't stop him from writing about his favorite video ...