Pokemon Ultra Sun and Moon increase Pokemon IVs and stats by a simpler method by Hyper Training. This method gives you a Pokemon similar to a perfectly bred Pokemon.
To start the hyper-training process, you must have bottle caps in Silver or Gold. Once you have them, find Mr. Hyper in Hau’oli and ask him to level up your Pokemon.
This guide details everything you need about Hyper Training and methods to farm bottle caps in Pokemon Ultra Sun and Moon.
How to Hyper Train in Pokemon Ultra Sun and Moon?

Hyper training is a training method that allows you to take one of the Pokemon that was at level 100 and increase its IVs to the max. One thing to understand is that this method doesn’t increase the IV but makes them appear at level 31.
To hypertrain, upgrade your Pokemon to level 100 and head to the Hou’oli City shopping mall in Melemele Island. Enter the mall and go to the backside and you will find Mr. Hyper standing behind the counter in a red shirt. Talk to him; he will hyper-train your Pokemon in exchange for Bottle Caps.
How to Get Bottle Caps?
There are two different types of Bottle Caps, Silver and Gold. If you give Mr. Hyper the Silver Bottle Cap, he will hyper-train only one Pokemon, but if you give him the rare golden bottle cap, he will train all of your Pokemon stats.
You can get bottle caps in three different ways, and we will mention them all!

This is the easiest and the slowest method. Cast a line on the bubbling underwater rocks, and there is an extremely small chance that you will hook in a bottle cap rather than a Pokemon.
However, once you do find a fishing spot, walk a few steps away and come back; it will reset the fishing spot, and you can get more Bottle Caps.
Poke Pelago
There are two ways to farm caps here. Send Pokemon on Shard hunting missions and then trade thirty shards of the same color for a bottle cap. You can trade them to the old man found in Festival Plaza’s main castle. The second method is by sending a Pokemon on a rare treasure-hunting mission on the Isle of Aphun. The Pokemon will return after a day and there is a good chance that it will have a bottle cap.
Festival Plaza Lottery

This is the best way to farm the caps. Rank up your festival plaza to a level between 80-90 at which point you will be offered five-star facilities as level up rewards. Fill your plaza with max level Lottery shops.
To do this, level up the festival plaza to level 8, find someone at the Treasure Hunt (2-star) facility, and add them to your VIP list. Start Treasure Hunt and draw a lottery ticket to earn Bottle Cap.
How to Get Gold Bottle Caps?
The Gold Bottle caps are earned through Event Tera Raid Battles from the Academy Ace Tournament or from the auction in Porto Marinada.
How Many Bottle Caps to Hyper Train Pokemon?

You need one Silver Bottle Cap per stat and one Gold Bottle Cap to upgrade all six stats.