Fossil Pokemon are a unique group in Pokemon Ultra Sun and Moon. While finding the fossils themselves isn’t a challenge, using them to bring prehistoric Pokemon back to life takes some effort.
First, we’ll cover how to obtain fossils. Unlike previous Pokemon titles, you won’t find them hidden in caves or dungeons. Instead, they’re available at the Stone Shop in Konikoni City. However, there’s a catch: each game offers a limited selection of fossils, and you can only buy one. To collect all ten Fossil Pokemon, you must trade with players of the opposite game version.
After obtaining the fossils, you can revive them to get unique Pokemon in Sun and Moon. This guide will help you find the fossils and restore Pokemon.
How to Get Fossils in Pokemon Sun and Moon?

Go to the shop across from the Pokemon Center in Konikoni City, Alola Island. Talk to the old woman on the counter; she will tell you you can only have one fossil for 7,000 at a time. This will be a random fossil, so you’ll have to put down some serious money to get all the fossils. It will also take patience since you’ll have to wait to refresh the shop and try your luck again.
How to get Fossils from Poke Pelago?
You can obtain fossils by digging if you’re out on rare treasure-hunting quests. These are randomly found across the Poke Pelago islands. The fossils found are always random, so keep exploring, keep digging, and you’ll eventually catch them. Below are all the fossils and what Pokemon you can get from them.
Helix Fossil

This fossil turns into an Omanyte, a rock/Water-type Pokemon that used to swim around ancient oceans, feeding on plankton. Omanyte looks like an octopus inside a spiral shell. At level 40, Omanyte eventually evolves into Omastar.
Claw Fossil

This fossil hatches into an Anorith, a Rock/Bug-type Pokemon. This Pokemon resembles an ancient shrimp. It is said that once rejuvenated from the fossil, it cannot survive in the ocean because the composition of the water is not similar to that in ancient times. At level 40, it evolves into Armaldo.
Skull Fossil

The fossil changes into a Cranidos, a Rock-type Pokemon. It is known for its big head, which makes it handy for excellent headbutts. It resembles a dinosaur baby, except with an exceptionally large forehead. This Pokemon eventually evolves into Rampardos.
Cover Fossil

Tirtouga is the rejuvenation of this fossil that resembles a prehistoric turtle with a blue shell and body. It is a Water/Rock-type Pokemon that evolves into a Carracosta at level 37.
Jaw Fossil

Tirtouga is the rejuvenation of this fossil that resembles a prehistoric turtle with a blue shell and body. It is a Water/Rock-type Pokemon that evolves into a Carracosta at level 37.
Dome Fossil

Kabuto is a fossil that resembles a shellfish. Although fossilized, its species still roam the earth and have thrived for millions of years. It is a Water/Rock-type Pokemon that eventually evolves into Kabutops.
Root Fossil

Lileep is a Rock/Grass-type Pokemon that looks like a fly trap. Its head has an open mouth that it uses to catch unsuspecting prey. In ancient times, it stayed anchored to a rock, completely immobile, waiting for prey to get devoured by its trap. Eventually, it evolved into Cradily.
Armor Fossil

Shieldon is a Rock/Steel type Pokemon. It has impenetrable armor over its body especially covering its head, which it uses for head butts. However, it is vulnerable to attack from behind. Eventually, it evolves into Bastiodon.
Plume Fossil

Archen is a Rock/Flying-type Pokemon that resembles a Pterosaur. It is covered with features colored in a beautiful array. It is also known to be the ancestor of all the flying Pokemon. It eventually evolves into Archeops.
Sail Fossil

Amaura is an Ice/Rock-type Pokemon. It is the most beautiful fossil Pokemon, featuring a gorgeous long neck, aromatic eyelashes, and diamond-like engraving on its body. Its fossils are buried under ice.
This Pokemon eventually evolves into Aurorus. However, it should only be trained in the moonlight to achieve this transformation.
How to use Pokemon Fossils to make a Pokemon?
Once you have the fossil, head to the Fossil Restoration Center on Route 8, Alola Island. From the entrance of the Pokemon Center, take the first path on your right to go to the forest. There, you will meet a man in front of the trailer. Talk to the man, and he will restore your fossils for you.