For this Pokemon Sword and Shield the Legendary Giants Walkthrough, we’ll be showing you how to access the different ruins and get your hands on the Legendary “Regi” Pokemon. The Crown Tundra DLC for Pokemon Sword and Shield has you embark on yet another exciting adventure as you decipher mysterious clues to face legendary Pokemon.
The Crown Tundra DLC gives you access to an exciting new location using the Wedgehurst Station, south of Freezington. When you finally reach the new location, you’ll get access to the Crown Tundra Pokedex. Here you will be tasked to pay a visit to each of the four ruins that belong to the respective legendary Pokemon.
Crown Tundra Ruins and Legendary Giants Locations

Each ruin is located in four different corners of the map.
- Iceberg Ruins can be found in the Northern part of the map. (Snowslide Slope)
- Split-Decision Ruins can be found in the Eastern part of the map.
- Stone Ruins can be found in the Southern part of the map.
- Iron Ruins can be found in the Western part of the map.
Make sure to get yourself well-equipped to catch some legendries. Grab those Ultra Balls, grab those potions, and get those revives.
The Giants Bed: Iron Ruins (Registeel)

How to Enter the Ruins?
To open the doors of the temple, the method is fairly simple. You will need to whistle by pressing the left thumbstick on your controller.
Legendary Giant
Once you enter the tower, run over all the lights to bring Registeel out of hiding. Once this first legendary giant appears, fight him with the best Pokemon you got and catch him!

Snowslide Slope: Iceberg Ruins (Regice)

How to Enter the Ruins?
Catch a Cryogonal near the ruins’ entrance, and put it in the first position of your party.
Legendary Giant
Once you have it in your party, you will be able to enter the ruins. Inside, you’ll find lights on the floor. Run over all of them and interact with the statue on the back wall to fight Regice.

The Giants Bed: Rock Peak Ruins

How to Enter the Ruins?
To enter the Rock ruins, you will need to give the first Pokemon in your party the Everstone. Once they have the stone, the doors will open allowing you to enter the ruins. Inside, you will find the same lights on the floor.
Legendary Giant
Run over all the lights, and head to the statue in the back to confront Regirock.

Three-Point Pass: Split-Decision Ruins (Regieleci/Regidraco)

How to Enter the Ruins?
The final ruins require you to have captured all three of the legendary Pokemon which include, Registeel, Regice and Regirock.
If you have all three of the legendries in your party, the door to the ruins will open. This time, the sequence of the light pattern matters.
Legendary Giant
If you choose the Left Dot Pattern (shown on the top left of the temple entrance), you will get Regieleki (Electric), and the Right Dot Pattern (shown on the top right of the temple entrance), will give you Regidrago (Dragon).
You will only be able to get one of the two Pokemon. Capture it and complete the expedition by heading back to Freezington and talking to Peony.