Ice Stone is an evolutionary item in Pokemon SV that is required to evolve Pokemon like Cetoddle, Eevee, and Crabrawler. So if you have these Pokemon on your team, then you must find this item. Fortunately, there are no level requirements to evolve these Pokemon using these items.
Finding ice stones can be tough, so let this guide help you with their locations in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.
Pokemon SV Ice Stone locations
You must explore to find Ice Stones in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. You should explore the areas below until you find a Pokeball containing an Ice Stone.
The areas you’ll be required to explore are all located within the Glaseado Mountains, except for the Auction House in Porto Marinada.
Areas in the Glaseado Mountains
The first area you’ll be required to explore resembles somewhat of a foot with three toes. Mark this area and explore until you come across a Pokeball containing an Ice Stone.
If you explore further, you’ll notice a shining item: another Ice Stone. However, you may not get this Ice Stone since it is completely randomized.

Dalizapa Passage
Another Pokeball containing an Ice Stone is within the rocky Dalizapa Passage in Western Province (Area 3). In this area, the player will come across a Poke Center.
Opposite to the Poke center, there will be some rocky edges. Keep heading towards the rocky cliffs and climb up using your mount; there, you’ll find a Pokeball with an Ice Stone.

Auction House, Porto Marinada
This location can be found in West Province (Area 2). Once the player has defeated the Open Sky Titan, the town of Porto Marinada will become available for exploration.
Here, you’ll come across an Auction House with randomized items up for bidding every day. Many evolution items are available at this Auction House; therefore, you can also find an Ice Stone from here.
Other NPCs will also bid for items in the Auction House, so you should bid relatively higher. However, there’s no guarantee of the item you’ll get. If you visit the auction house and cannot find an item of use, change the date and time on your switch, allowing you to change the in-game time as items in the Auction change daily.
This will allow you to randomize the Auction House items as often as you’d like until you come across an item of use.
Can you buy Ice Stones in Pokemon SV?
Unfortunately, unlike many other items, you cannot buy these stones in the game. If you want to get your hands on them, you must find them in the wilds in the locations above. When you find them, pick them up, and you’ll get it.