Trainers seeking a powerful Dragon-type addition to their Pokemon Scarlet & Violet team will have to look no further than Goodra, a Pseudo-Legendary Pokemon known for its impressive stats.
To get it you must evolve it from its previous forms, Goomy And Sliggoo. You can then breed it with other Pokemon to yield even more powerful Pokemon. This guide will detail everything you need to find Goomy, evolve it into the mighty Goodra in Pokemon SV.
Where to find Goomy in Pokemon SV?

Goomy is the base-level evolution you’ll encounter, eventually evolving into Goodra. Goomy is usually found near pond areas; there is a higher chance of finding him in the given areas in Paldea:
- East Province (Area 3)
- West Province (Area 3)
- South Province (Area 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
- Glaseado Mountain
- Casseroya Lake
You need to check the given areas in Kitakami:
- Fellhorn Gorge Chilling Waterhead
- Oni Mountain Timeless Woods
- Tagtree Thicket by the river

Here, you’ll encounter the Pokemon, which will prompt a battle. Upon defeat, you’ll have successfully captured Goomy, which might surprisingly be at level 50.
How to evolve Goomy to Sliggoo?

Once you have a Goomy, you must level it up to 40. At this point, it will evolve into Sliggoo. Always manually battle or use experience XP candy or rare candies to level up your Pokémon, as auto battles may not trigger the evolution.
Additionally, if the Goomy you captured was higher than 40, you’ll only be required to level it up once to trigger the evolution.
How to find Sliggoo in Pokemon SV?

If you don’t want to evolve a Goomy into a Sliggoo, you can get a Sliggoo directly. Sliggoos are commonly found around Swamps and Lakes in Pokemon SV. Here are some of the best locations for you to find Sliggoo:
- South Province (Area 2, 4)
- Casseroya Lake
- Cascarrafa Lake
- Timeless Woods
- 4-star Tera Raids in Paldea
How to evolve Sliggoo to Goodra in Pokemon SV?

The final evolution is not as simple as the second one since it requires a few special conditions. Sliggoo will evolve into Goodra once it reaches level 50. However, the evolution will only be triggered if Sliggoo is in the rain or fog.
Fulfilling this condition could be somewhat frustrating since the player cannot control the game’s weather conditions; therefore, waiting for the required weather to be triggered is the right option. Meet the conditions, and Sliggoo will evolve into Goodra in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet with the following base stats:
- HP: 90
- Attack: 100
- Def: 70
- Sp. Attack: 110
- Sp. Defense: 150
- Speed: 80
How to Evolve Goomy into Hisuian Sliggoo and Hisuian Goodra
To evolve your Goomy into Hisuian Pokemon, do the following steps:
- Place your Goomy in a PC Box, exit Scarlet/Violet, and open Pokemon Home
- Now you need to open Scarlet/Violet and move Goomy out to the PC Box into Basic Box, save and exit the box
- Next you need to open Legends: Arecus from Home and transfer Goomy from Basic Box to a Pasture, save and close Home
- Open Arecus and evolve Goomy into Hisuian Sliggoo or Goodra and place him back in the Pasture
- Take the evolved Pokemon from Arceus and move it back to Scarlet/Violet.