Pokemon SV Bisharp Evolution

Bisharp is the evolution of Pawniard in Pokemon SV that you can further evolve into a Kingambit. The evolution of...

Bisharp is the evolution of Pawniard in Pokemon SV that you can further evolve into a Kingambit. The evolution of Bisharp into Kingambit is an exciting process that is a little different from other Pokemon. We have prepared this to give you complete details about how to evolve Bisharp into Kingambit in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.

How to evolve Bisharp into Kingambit in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet

Evolving Bisharp into Kingambit in Pokemon SV doesn’t work like other Pokemon. You need to fulfill certain conditions before evolving a Bisharp into Kingambit.

Don’t worry; we will cover all the details about Bisharp evolution below. Leader’s Crest will be the first thing you will need to get for evolving the Bisharp into a Kingambit.

To get the Leader Crest, you can head to the North Province Area 2. Once you have the Leader’s Crest, ensure your Bisharp is holding it.

Now you must find more Bisharps holding the Leader’s Crest and defeat them in a battle. Beating four Bisharps holding the Leader’s Crest is enough to evolve a Bisharp into a Kingambit.

Bisharps with a Leader’s Crest will lead a pack of Pawniards, so move around and look for them. You can also put abilities like Super Luck and Compound Eyes on a Pokemon in your party.

That will increase the chances of finding a Bisharp holding a Leader’s Crest. Once you have defeated three or four Bisharps holding the Leader’s Crest, you can complete the evolution process.

Now all you have to do is start leveling up the Bisharp, which will evolve into a Kingambit in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. But we recommend you try the evolution process after getting around 5 Gym Badges. It will allow you to skip the first step of getting a Pawniard and evolving it into a Bisharp.

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Arslan Shah is junior editor at SegmentNext.com, a video games addict with more than a decade spent honing the craft. He is a roleplaying video games enthusiast and loves a good story driven RPG.