Pokemon BDSP Pokerus Effects, Cure and How to Get

In this guide, we'll be showing you How to Get Pokerus in Pokemon BDSP which essentially doubles the EV growth rate of your Pokemon

Have you ever wondered how you to increase the EV growth rate of your Pokemon in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl? Of all the thoughts that would’ve crossed your mind, infecting them with a virus would perhaps be the last one on the list. In this guide, we’ll be going into details about the Pokemon BDSP Pokerus.

Pokemon BDSP Pokerus

Pokerus is a deadly virus that can infect your Pokemon. So deadly that it can double the EV growth of your Pokemon. And even worse, it can spread to five other members of your party.

Enough with the sarcasm, let’s get to finding this heavenly, one of its kind, virus.

How to Get Pokerus

Usually, your Pokemon will catch this virus randomly from any lucky battle that you fight. However, the chances of getting Pokerus from a battle are next to nothing.

Therefore, a speedy way of catching the virus is to include a Pokemon in your party that is already infected by this virus.

You can easily do so by trading for the pokemon online. Once you manage to get your hands on an infected Pokemon, you can then include it in your party and have five more Pokémon infected by Pokerus.

You’ll know that your Pokemon has Pokerus by taking it to a Pokemon Center. The nurse will examine your Pokemon and let you know if it’s suffering from Pokerus or not. Or should I say, suffering from success?

If you’re not willing to go that extra mile, you can simply open up your Pokémon’s summary page and a purple emoji on the bottom of the page that will show you the Pokerus status of your Pokemon.

If it’s a purple round emoji, then your Pokemon was previously infected by Pokerus, or it’s currently suffering from one.

If there’s no purple emoji, then the Pokemon was never exposed to Pokerus and never suffered from it.

How Rare is Pokerus

In terms of rarity, as mentioned before, it is extremely rare for your Pokemon to contract the Pokerus. To be really precise on the chances of your Pokemon getting this virus, it is either 1 in a 21,845 or 3 in 65,536.

It is extremely rare, but the benefits are never-ending for you and your party once you have it. Most of the players have never even once had Pokerus in any of the installments so far. You’re one lucky player if you get it within your team.

Pokerus Effects on Pokemon

By the occurrence of the word ‘virus,’ it may seem like as if it’s harmful, but it’s actually very beneficial for your Pokemon.

Having Pokerus grants double the number of Effort Points, which is very healthy when it comes to determining the final stats of the Pokemon.

Basically, all of the stats that your Pokémon earns through battle or select items, which make six of your base stats, will be much stronger than they should be, giving you the biggest and most rare advantage.

How to Infect Other Pokemon with Pokerus

If you want the virus to spread amongst other party members, then you’ll have to send them out to fight alongside the affected Pokemon.

Once you manage to get your hands on an infected Pokemon, you can then include it in your party and have five more Pokemon infected by Pokerus.

This is how you can get the virus to spread to your other Pokemons. Be careful though, as, after 4 days, your Pokemon will no longer be able to transmit the virus to others anymore.

How Long Does Pokerus Last

It takes your Pokemon anywhere between one to four days to get rid of Pokerus. However, your EV growth will still be doubled at each battle even after your Pokemon has recovered.

Only, this time around, it won’t be able to pass on the virus to other members of the party.

How to Cure Pokerus

Once you’re done with the time period of one to four days of Pokerus (in-game time), the recovering period will start. However, since this virus is so rare and only a few lucky players can get it, some may not be happy about losing it too fast.

If you’re not happy with your Pokemon recovering from the virus, you can keep them inside Pokemon Boxes. This will help them stay infected for longer durations.

At the same time, they won’t be transmitting the virus to other Pokemon. If you want the virus to spread amongst other party members, then you’ll have to send them out to fight alongside the affected Pokemon.

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