Training your Pokemon in Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl can be a long grind. But what if there was a way to double your efforts? The answer is “Pokerus,” a special virus that infects your Pokemon and gives them a powerful edge.
Pokerus helps your Pokemon earn Effort Values (EVs) much quicker. EVs are like bonus points earned in battles that boost specific stats. With Pokerus, these points double, making your Pokemon much stronger in a shorter time. Plus, it can spread to other Pokemon in your party, maximizing your training efficiency.
This guide explores Pokerus, its benefits, how to spread it, and how to maximize its temporary boost in Pokemon BDSP.
How To Get Pokerus In BDSP?

Pokerus is a virus you can randomly get while battling against a wild Pokemon. You must understand that it’s a rare chance (almost 0.0046% probability) that you’ll get the chance to fight against an infected Pokemon and catch the virus.

Once you encounter a wild Pokemon, catch it and check its information from the summary page to see if it’s infected, or you can get it checked from the Pokemon Center.
Another way of getting the virus is by trading an infected Pokemon online. Once you get your hands on an infected Pokemon, you can include it in your party to spread it further.
How Rare is Pokerus?
Regarding rarity, as mentioned before, it is extremely rare for your Pokemon to contract the Pokerus. To be precise the chances of your Pokemon getting this virus, is either 1 in 21,845 or 3 in 65,536.
It is extremely rare, but the benefits are never-ending for you and your party once you have it. Most of the players have never even once had Pokerus in any of the installments so far. You’re one lucky player if you get it within your team.
Pokerus Effects on Pokemon
By the occurrence of the word ‘virus,’ it may seem as if it’s harmful, but it’s very beneficial for your Pokemon. Pokerus increases Effort Points/Effort Value (EV), boosting your Pokemon’s stats.
You can use Pokerus with Macho Brace and increase the amount of EV gained by 2x.
How to Infect Other Pokemon?

If you want the virus to spread amongst other party members, send them out to fight alongside the affected Pokemon.
Once you get your hands on an infected Pokemon, you can include it in your party and have five more Pokemon infected by Pokerus.
This is how you can get the virus to spread to your other Pokemon. Be careful, though, as after 4 days, your Pokemon will no longer be able to transmit the virus to others anymore.
How Long Does The Infection Last?
It takes your Pokemon anywhere between one to four days to eliminate Pokerus. However, your EV growth will still be doubled at each battle, even after your Pokemon has recovered.
This time, it won’t be able to pass on the virus to other party members.
How to Cure Pokerus In BDSP?
Once you finish the period of one to four days of Pokerus (in-game time), the recovery period will start. However, since this virus is so rare and only a few lucky players can get it, some may not be happy about losing it too fast.
How to keep the virus?

To keep the Pokérus alive and active, the player must put the infected Pokémon back into their PC box. This is because the Pokérus wears off after 1-4 days. By putting the infected Pokémon back into the PC box, the player can “freeze” the virus and keep it from dying.
Farming the Pokerus Virus

To farm the Pokérus, the player can catch multiple Pokémon in a row and run away from battles. This will increase the chances of the Pokérus infecting the player’s Pokémon. The player can then put the infected Pokémon in their PC box and cycle out new Pokémon with the virus.