Best Overwatch 2 Controller Settings

If you have seen pro players’ controller settings in Overwatch 2, you would find out that almost all of them...

If you have seen pro players’ controller settings in Overwatch 2, you would find out that almost all of them are customized. To excel in the game, you must find your own strategy, playstyle, and controller settings.

However, the settings can vary from player to player according to their taste. But still, the controller settings that we are going to mention for OW2 can be considered decent ones and can always be tweaked by users.

Best controller settings for Overwatch 2

Take note that it is always best to set your own controller settings. It is not necessary that the best settings for someone else are the best for you as well. It all comes down to comfort and accessibility.

That being said, the settings below are the best controller settings you can switch to for Overwatch 2.

To start with, the Overwatch 2 controller settings are divided into three parts:

  • Aim settings
  • Gyro settings
  • Reticle settings
  • Accessibility settings

Aim settings

  • Horizontal Sensitivity: 35
  • Vertical Sensitivity: 25

It is better that you keep the vertical sensitivity lower than the horizontal one because the game aiming experience would be way smoother. To shoot enemies at different heights, you need lower sensitivity.

Advanced Aiming settings are given below.

  • Aim Assist Strength: 100%
  • Aim Assist Window Size: 80%
  • Aim Assist Legacy Mode: Off
  • Aim Assist Ease-In: 80%
  • Aim Smoothing: 50%
  • Aim Ease-In: 25%
  • Invert Vertical Look: Off
  • Invert Horizontal Look: Off
  • Vibration: Off (to increase accuracy)
  • Switch Movement and Look Sticks: Off
  • Legacy Sticks: Off
  • Aim Technique: Linear Ramp

Aim-assist is like a magic pill for all shooters. With high aim assist settings, your shooting would be enhanced magically. Moreover, the Aim-Ease in settings would enable you to connect shots with your target more swiftly and effectively.

Gyro settings

Gyro settings mostly just affect Nintendo Switch players so players on Xbox and PlayStation can ignore these

  • Gyro Aiming: On
  • Gyro Aiming Aim Assist: On
  • Gyro option Presets: Custom

Advanced Gyro settings are given below.

  • Invert Gyro-Aiming Pitch Axis: Off
  • Invert Gyro-Aiming YAW Axis: On
  • Invert Gyro-Aiming Roll Axis: Off
  • Gyro-Aiming Pitch Axis Sensitivity: 5%
  • Gyro-Aiming YAW Axis Sensitivity: 80%
  • Gyro-Aiming ROLL Axis Sensitivity: 25%
  • Disable Gyro While Using Stick: On

These gyro settings are really effective. We recommend you play a game on these settings and then calibrate or change them according to your own preference.

Reticle settings

Typical FPS players might feel like sticking to the Crosshair type of Reticle although the actual reticle choice depends a lot on which character is being used as well as personal preference.

Advanced Reticle settings available to players are given below. You can tweak them for each hero or keep using one universal setting for every character.

  • Show Accuracy
  • Color
  • Thickness
  • Crosshair Length
  • Center Gap
  • Opacity
  • Outline Opacity
  • Dot Size
  • Dot Opacity
  • Scale with Resolution

Accessibility settings

Disabling (or reducing) your accessibility settings will greatly improve your aim. The reason is that camera and HUD shakes might add to the experience but will make it difficult for you to track your crosshair on a moving target.

In addition, these controlling settings will help reduce clutter on the screen to allow you to focus more on the enemy in the center.

  • Camera shake: Reduced
  • HUD shake: Off
  • Reduce menu movement: Off

These settings are totally subjective and should be set by the user himself based on which hero they are playing. One thing to consider is setting the crosshair size smaller than the default because you would be able to locate your foe more easily.

Once again, these controller settings might not be the best for some users. You can always change them.

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Ali is a passionate RPG gamer. He believes that western RPGs still have a lot to learn from JRPGs. He is editor-in-chief at but that doesn't stop him from writing about his favorite video ...