Outward is a survival-action RPG that demands high-level gear to survive the many threats that wander its world. To survive the harsh environment, you’ll need skills and some unique weapons to fend off enemies and live through the nights.
Our Outward Guide will help you learn everything you need to know about finding some of the best unique weapons, armor, and items in the game, with their exact locations, stats and requirements.
There are some weapons in the game that require you to craft them. In our Outward Unique Weapons Guide, we’ll tell you all about them.
Brand (Strange Rusted Sword)

You’ll initially find Brand in its base state; known as the Strange Rusted Sword on top of Conflux Mountain in Chersonese. To upgrade the Rusted Sword to Brand, you’ll need to make your way to the several locations and acquire certain items. These include
- Chemist’s Broken Flask from Levant Alchemist Shop
- Mage’s Poking Stick from the Monsoon Alchemist Shop
- Blacksmith’s Vintage Hammer from Berg Blacksmith Shop
Once you have all three items, simply open the crafting menu and merge them with the Rusted Sword to acquire Brand.
Brand deals 20 Physical and Frost damage along with 27 Impact damage. It has an attack speed of 1.0 and a 4.9 stamina cost. With a durability of 425, this is one of the most resilient weapons in the game, making it near indestructible.
Skycrown Mace

This weapon can be found by killing the boss in the Face of the Ancients dungeon in Enmerkar Forest; The First Cannibal. Use the map above to reach the location, it is in the general Northeastern direction. We recommend tackling this dungeon with at least two more players.
The Skycrown Mace deals 23.5 Physical and Frost damage along with 50 Impact damage. Additionally, it has an attack speed of 1.1 and a stamina cost of 4.6.
Merton’s Firepoker

Merton’s Firepoker is found inside the Tree Husk Dungeon within the Enmerkar Forest, which is accessed through the Dolmen Crypt. The crypt is found at the base of the Lonely Tower in the Northwestern corner of the map. Use the map above to make your way to the location. The weapon will be present on a skeleton in the Dungeon.
The Firepoker deals 14.5 Physical and Fire damage along with 25 Impact damage. Furthermore, it has an attack speed of 1.2 and a stamina cost of 4.4.
Red Lady’s Dagger

Red Lady’s Dagger is found in the same dungeon as the Skycrown Mace; Face of the Ancients. After you defeat the First Cannibal pick up the key that it drops and use it to access the two locked doors in the main area of the dungeon. Behind one of the doors you’ll be able to pick up Scarlet Lich’s idol. Take this idol to the fire cave and place it on the Red Lady’s Altar. The Dagger will then spawn near the altar.
Red Lady’s Dagger deals 20 Physical and Fire damage along with 49 Impact damage. Furthermore, this weapon has an attack speed of 1.0 without affecting your stamina.
Sunfall Axe

The Sunfall Axe is found within the Stone Temple in the Abrassar map. To acquire it, you must first make your way to the area marked on the map and enter the temple. Now you must find and read four different rune stones scattered around the area. Once you do, make your way to the bottom of the temple where you’ll find a fifth and final rune behind an altar. Once you read the fifth rune, you’ll be able to pick up the Axe from the altar.
The Sunfall Axe deals 21 Physical and fire Damage along with 28 Impact damage. It has an attack speed of 1.1 and a stamina cost of 4.6.
Glowstone Dagger

Zhorn’s Glowstone Dagger is an off-hand unique weapon that is found on a small isolated island in the Northwestern corner of Hallowed Marsh in Outward. To reach the island you’ll have to cross the marsh, which is toxic. We recommend stocking up on anti-decay healing items. Once you’re on the island, head west until you come across a hollow tree trunk. The dagger will be resting inside.
The Glowstone Dagger deals 20.1 Physical damage, 9.9 Lightning damage, and 38 Impact damage. It has an attack speed of 1.0 without a stamina requirement.
Pillar Greathammer

The Pillar Greathammer can be found in Pillar of Light in the Hallowed Marsh. Once you’re inside the Pillar, finish everything until you come upon a legacy chest. Interact with the wall next to the chest to pick up the Greathammer.
The Pillar Greathammer deals 42.7 Physical damage, 18.3 Lightning damage and 75 Impact damage. It has an attack speed of 0.8 and a stamina cost of 7.7. It’s durability of 475 makes it near indestructible.
Thrice-Wrought Halberd

The Thrice-Wrought Halberd is found within the Cabal of Wind Temple in Enmerkar Forest. To acquire it you must defeat all Shell Horrors within the Temple, doing so will open up a new area which houses the Halberd. In the definitive version of the game, players will also have to defeat the Vile Illuminator.
The Thrice-Wrought Halberd deals 18 Fire and Frost damage along with 43 Impact damage. Furthermore, it has an attack speed of 1.1 and a stamina requirement of 7.
Starchild Claymore

The unique weapon can be obtained by killing the Royal Manticore in Enmerkar Forest in Outward. The Royal Manticore’s lair is highlighted on the map image above. It can be found to the west of The Cabal of Wind Temple.
The Starchild Claymore deals 25.5 Physical and Lightning damage along with 52 Impact damage. It has an attack speed of 1.1 and a stamina requirement 6.7. This weapon also possesses a weapon durability of 500, which is one of the highest in the game.
Skeleton Armor Set

Merto’s Skeleton Armor set can be found in Cierzo. To find Merto’s Skull, you’ll have to climb the roof that is next to Helen Turnbull. The skull will be present behind the second pipe on the roof.
Merton’s Shinbones and Ribcage are found on the roof of the Blacksmith that is behind Loud-Hammer. You can reach the roof by walking on the beam. The items will be next to the chimney.
This armor has 0% damage resistance across all three pieces.
Jade-Lich Armor Set

The Jade-Lich Armor Set is located in the Dark Ziggurat in the Hallowed Marsh. To acquire the set, you must defeat the Plague Doctor found in the area. This armor set possess the following stats
Armor Piece | Stats |
Jade-Linch Mask | +7% Physical Resistance +30% Decay Resistance -20% Lightning Resistance +10% Impact -25% Mana Cost +10% Bonus Decay Damage |
Jade-Linch Robes | +15% Physical resistance +20% Decay resistance -10% Lightning resistance +5% Impact -25% Mana cost +15% Bonus Decay damage +10% Bonus Fire damage |
Jade-Linch Boots | +9% Physical Resistance +20% Decay Resistance -10% Lightning Resistance +3% Impact -15% Mana Cost +10% Bonus Decay Damage |
Gold-Lich Armor Set

The Gold-Lich Armor Set can be acquired by defeating the boss in the Spire of Light in the Hallowed Marsh; Light Mender. The Boss is found right across from where you pick up the Pillar Greathammer. Interact with the throne on the right side of the room to begin the fight. This armor possesses the following stats:
Armor Piece | Stats |
Gold-Lich Mask | +14% Physical resistance +30% Fire resistance +30% Lightning resistance +10% Impact -25% Mana cost |
Gold-Lich Armor | +9% Physical resistance +30% Lightning resistance +5% Impact -20% Mana cost |
Gold-Lich Boots | +4% Physical resistance +30% Fire resistance +10% Lightning resistance +3% Impact -15% Mana cost |
Brass-Wolf Backpack

You can find the Brass-Wolf Backpack in the Sand Rose Cave in Abrassar. It can be picked behind a barrel near the lever used to enter the cave. This backpack has 75 capacity and +2 shield.
Zhorn’s Hunting Backpack

To acquire this backpack, you need to complete the Royal Manticore’s Lair dungeon in Enmerkar Forest. It can be acquired from the Royal Griffin cave, behind a Trog Gate that requires a large emerald. It has 85 Capacity and -10% Stamina Cost.
Mefino’s Trade Backpack
Mefino’s Trade Backpack is located in the Mount Clan Fort that is the Bandit Camp in the northeast of Cierzo. Purchase two Power Cells from the Levant Merchant to open the door and acquire it. With it, you’ll get +110 Capacity.