Whilst playing New World, you’ll eventually end up with a decent haul of items you have no real use for. It’s time to sell all that junk and rake in some extra gold. However, it’s not as simple as offloading everything to a merchant NPC as there are none.
There are two ways to sell your items in New World. The first is to interact with players and sell your items directly to them, while the other is to place your items on the trading post to sell them. In this New World guide, we’ll walk you through both methods
1. Selling Items directly to players

The first method is simple: You must contact other New World players and talk to them about selling your items.
You can ask for a price you want for your item and sell the item on the spot. It’s age-old MMO trading and can be more profitable if you trade for an item you desire instead of just gold.
The only drawback is that you’ll need to find a player willing to trade with you at your desired prices or trade offers. Don’t worry, though as you can circumvent speaking to another player via the second item-selling method we’ve outlined below
2. Selling Items at New World’s Trading Post

The second way to sell items in New World is at the Trading Post. A scale icon on the map indicates where a trading post is. Go and interact with the post to open the Trading Screen.
On the trading post screen, you can see options like Buy, Sell, and My Orders to constantly check the status. Now, you need to select the items such as weapons, clothes, and resources and then select the “Place Sell Order option”.
You can see the sell orders placed by other players recently. These sell orders help you decide the price you will set for a certain item. Moreover, it will give you an idea of what items are popular with the other players.
This makes your selling process easier and faster. It is very important to set the price carefully, as setting an unrealistic price will halt the selling of items.

You can check the status of an item placed on the Trading Post by visiting the My Orders tab. You should post an item on one trading post, and if no one purchases it, you should post it on another Trading Post in another region.
A small fee will be charged for selling your items on the trading post. The fee for placing the item depends on the duration of placement of the item, while the transaction charge depends on the Trading Tax of the territory where you intend to sell your item. Players can reduce the tax by raising their status in the territory.
What to do if you can’t sell items in New World?
In certain situations, you may be unable to sell certain items. This occurs when an item is “Bound”. Items can be bound in two ways. They can become bound to your character upon pickup or when you use them for the first time. Bound items are usually high-level gear pieces that players acquire for free, and this mechanic is in place to prevent players from farming these items.
You can check whether an item is bound by looking at the green text underneath it. You won’t be able to sell these items; they can only be salvaged.