Best New World Fire Staff Builds for PvP and PvE

Fire Staff is one of the magical weapons in New World, along with Life Staff and Ice Gauntlets. In this...

Fire Staff is one of the magical weapons in New World, along with Life Staff and Ice Gauntlets. In this guide, we will be getting you up to speed with the best Fire Staff builds in New World.

New World Fire Staff Builds

Fire Staff Attribute Scaling

The fact that the Fire Staff weapon scales purely on Intelligence, we strongly advise you to invest as much Intelligence as possible in both your gear and your Attribute pick.

Although Constitution is a good secondary attribute, Intelligence is the only one that will boost your damage output.

You will ultimately suffer damage, so it’s crucial to gain some Constitution, especially if you want to PvP, and we recommend shopping for gear that gives a combination of Intelligence and Constitution.

Faction Armor, in particular, does an excellent job at balancing Intelligence and Constitution.

Best Fire Staff Weapon Combinations

Fire Staff works effectively with the following weapons:

  • Rapier
  • Ice Gauntlet

Having points in Intelligence benefits both the Fire Staff and Ice Gauntlet. With the crowd control abilities of Ice Gauntlet, you can slow down and apply debuffs to your enemies, preparing them for further devastating attacks from the Fire Staff.

If you decide to go with Rapier as your secondary, you will have some melee damage and escape abilities thanks to Rapier making you a viable foe in both close quarters and ranged combat.

Best Fire Staff Perks

Getting these following perks on your armor and weapons can further boost your Fire Staff abilities making all of the following Fire Staff builds even more devastating

Refreshing Pillar of Fire: reduces the cooldown of Pillar of Fire by 14% for each enemy hit

Empowering Fireball: Fireball impact deals more damage

Efficient Burnout: increases mana regen for 8s when using Burnout

Strengths And Weaknesses


  • Several ways for area of impact damage.
  • Heavy strikes with no mana cost that can replenish mana if Spell Focus is used
  • Focus and Flare are two spells that can be used together.
  • Short cooldowns, which can be decreased even further with Fiery.
  • Ranged damage.


  • Enemies can disrupt your movement if you don’t have enough crowd control.
  • Self-healing capacity is limited.
  • Mana management may be a problem in the early stages of leveling.
  • It’s necessary to make skill shots.

Fire Staff and Rapier PvP build

This PvP build will keep you mobile and allow you to step in with damaging rapier strikes to Proc bleed whilst you spam fire spells to keep them on their toes.

Best Fire Staff Masteries


Fire a heavy fireball that deals 140% weapon damage on impact. It also leaves a 3m burning field that lasts 6 seconds. This burning field deals with 10% weapon damage per second.

Passive skills to unlock in order

  • Scorched Earth: The burning field of fireball continues for 9 seconds.
  • Catch: Hits with fireball gives you 10% of your maximum mana and reduces fire staff cooldowns by 7.0%.


When you dash through the target, you deal 129% of the weapon damage. Passing through the target will set the target on fire and the burn of that fire will deal a 10% weapon damage for 8 seconds.

Passive Skills to Unlock in Order

  • All in: Cooldowns of Fire staff are reduced by 5.0% for each enemy hit by Burnout
  • Heat is up: Burnout further increases by 50%.

Best Rapier Masteries


Perform a small sidestep in the direction you’re currently moving in, which cancels any current activity and grants temporary invincibility. During Evade, you can perform Light Attacks extremely fast.

Passives to Unlock in Order

  • Breathe In: Grants 20 stamina on use.
  • Allegro: Grants 20% movement speed for 3 seconds on use.
  • Adagio: Evading forward grants you 15% extra damage on your next light attack. Ends on hit or after 1 second.
  • Crescendo: Individual successful light attacks decrease the cooldown of this ability by 30% each.


Gives you the ability to lunge forward 10 meters, piercing through enemies in your way, dealing 145% weapon damage.

Passives to Unlock in Order

  • Quick Lunge: Killing reduces cooldown by 80%.
  • Backside: A critical hit within 5 seconds of performing fleche deals 15% more damage.
  • Interruption: pressing a light attack during fleche will cause a single attack in continuation dealing 115% damage.


Slash so quickly that it extends the reach of your blade up to 5 meters which deals 50% of your weapon damage and applies a bleed effect which will continue to deal additional 85% weapon damage over 12 seconds. Bleed is stackable 3 times.

Passives to Unlock in Order

  • Thirst for Blood: Reduce Tondo’s cooldown by 10% when you apply the first bleed stack to your opponent.
  • And Again: If you hit only one target, even on a blocked hit, Tondo’s cooldown is reduced by 25%.
  • Proper Spacing: Increases initial hit damage from Tondo by 100% if you are at least 4 meters away from your target.

Recommended Armor

  • Voidbent Breastplate
  • Primeval Omega Light Gloves of the scholar
  • Voidbent Leggings
  • Primeval Omega Light Boots of the scholar

Fire Staff and Rapier PvE Build

When exploring New World, this build relies on using fire spells to cover the rapier’s shortcomings. This build in particular should be useful in PvE.

Best Fire Staff Masteries

Meteor Shower

Calls down a rain of meteors that rain on target area for 6 seconds. Which deals an initial AoE damage for 6 seconds. Get this along with all its passives:

Passives to Unlock in Order

  • Immolation: Gives 1% mana back for each target hit.
  • Fiery determination: Gives you grit (stagger resistance) while casting meteor shower
  • Judgment of Helios: All hits after initial impact do 25% weapon damage.


Shoot a heavy fireball that deals 140% weapon damage. Leaves a burning field on impact, that lasts 6 seconds and deals 10% weapon damage. Along with this get its passives:

Passives to Unlock in Order

  • Scorched Earth, to increase the burning effect’s duration to 9 seconds.
  • Catch: Direct Hits give you 10% mana regen and reduce cooldowns on fire staff abilities by 7%


Causes a fiery explosion around you, that deals 130% weapon damage. Enemies are pushed back 3 meters, and deals burning damage for 6.0 seconds. Get its 3 passives from its tree branch as well.

Passives to Unlock in Order

  • Scorched: More stacks for each incinerate hit.
  • Cauterize Wounds: Heals for 20% of ability damage.
  • Flame Out: Causes incinerate to have two waves.

General Passives

  • Heavy strikes recover 5% mana with Spell Focus.
  • Fiery Restoration: Heavy attacks lower the cooldowns of fire staff by ten percent.
  • Singe: Light strikes cause opponents to burn for 6 seconds, dealing 3 percent weapon damage.
  • Spellslinger: Critical probability has risen for abilities.
  • Flare: Heavy strikes do not deplete mana.
  • Prophet of Fire: Crit damage is increased by 15%.
  • Clear Casting: You deal 5% greater damage if you go 3 seconds without taking any damage.
  • Pyromania: Increases damage by 15% while carrying a fire staff and has above 50% HP.

Best Rapier Masteries


Go into a defensive stance for 1 second. If attacked during this stance, counter the attack and stun the attacker for 1.5 seconds. A successful Riposte makes you invincible momentarily.

Passives to Unlock in Order

  • Insult to Injury: If the Riposte is activated successfully, all your attacks become uninterruptible for 3 seconds.
  • Priority: Decreases the cooldown of other Rapier abilities by 20% when landing a Riposte stun.
  • Lasting Consequence: The stun from Riposte is increased to 2 seconds.


Perform a small sidestep in the direction you’re currently moving in, which cancels any current activity and grants temporary invincibility. During Evade, you can perform Light Attacks extremely fast.

Passives to Unlock in Order

  • Breathe In: Grants 20 stamina on use.
  • Allegro: Grants 20% movement speed for 3 seconds on use.
  • Adagio: Evading forward grants you 15% extra damage on your next light attack. Ends on hit or after 1 second.
  • Crescendo: Individual successful light attacks decrease the cooldown of this ability by 30% each.


Gives you the ability to lunge forward 10 meters, piercing through enemies in your way, dealing 145% weapon damage.

Passives to Unlock in Order

  • Quick Lunge: Killing reduces cooldown by 80%.
  • Backside: A critical hit within 5 seconds of performing fleche deals 15% more damage.
  • Interruption: pressing a light attack during fleche will cause a single attack in continuation dealing 115% damage.

General Passives

We’ll remove all of the passives from the Grace skill tree, save Controlled breathing, and replace them with Engarde for this build which is the sole passive from the Blood skill tree that will be used.

Recommended Armor

We will be going with light armor for this build.

  • Syndicate Alchemist Jacket of the Occultist.
  • Syndicate Alchemist Handcovers of the Occultist.
  • Syndicate Alchemist Leggings of the Occultist.
  • Syndicate Alchemist Footwear of the Occultist.

Fire Staff Ice Gauntlet PvP Build

The goal of this Fire Staff and Ice Gauntlet combination is to do as much AoE damage as possible. As a result, it is primarily focused on PvP and excels in 50v50 War/Siege conflicts.

This build’s ideal playstyle would be to stand in your guild’s backline and use abilities like Meteor Shower and Fireball to do enormous AoE damage to your opponents on a regular basis.

Best Fire Staff Masteries

Meteor Shower

Causes a meteor rain from the sky that lasts for 6 seconds, dealing 34% weapon damage to targets within a radius on initial impact. Then it causes 20% further weapon damage per second to targets that remain in the radius.

Passive Skills to Unlock in Order

  • Immolation: For each target hit with the initial hit of Meteor Shower, you gain 1% of your mana back.
  • Fiery Determination: Grants you Grit while you are casting Meteor Shower.
  • Judgment of Helios: After the initial impact, all hits deal 25% weapon damage.


Launch a heavy fireball that deals 140% weapon damage and leave a 3m burning field upon impact. The burning field lasts for 6 seconds.

Passive Skills to Unlock in Order

  • Scorched Earth: Fireball’s burning field lasts for 9 seconds
  • Catch: Direct hit grants you 10% of your mana back and reduces the cooldown of your fire staff skills by 7%


Dash straight forward, through targets, dealing 129% weapon damage to every target on hit. The dash is 11 meters long and inflicts Burn on targets, dealing 10% weapon damage per second for 8 seconds.

Passive Skills to Unlock in Order

  • All In: reduces Fire Staff cooldowns by 5% for each target hit by Burn Out.
  • Heat it Up: Increases length of the Burn Out dash by 50%.

General Passives

  • Spellslinger: Your skills have a 10% chance of hitting the adversary with a critical strike.
  • Prophet of a Fire God: Your critical strike probability increases by 15% while you hold a staff.
  • Spell Focus: Heavy strikes restore 5% of your maximum mana when they hit.
  • Clear Mind: If you have more than 50% mana, you receive 5% more Empower
  • Singe: The Fire Staff induces burning when you get a critical strike with it. For 6 seconds, the burning deals 3% weapon damage.
  • Pyromania: Fire Staff hits deliver 15% greater damage when the player’s maximum HP is less than 50%.
  • Kindle: Burning duration has been increased by 20%.

Best Ice Gauntlet Masteries

Ice Storm

Ice Storm is a ranged attack that deals 17% weapon damage every 0.33 seconds for 5 seconds. Additionally, it slows down the movement speed of opponents inside a 5-meter radius frosted area by 25%.

Passive Skills to Unlock in Order

  • Weakening Dust: Incoming Damage is increased by 10% for 3 seconds. Specifically for enemies who are trapped in Ice Storm below 50% Health.
  • Storm Summoner: Ice storm mana cost is decreased by 80% at full mana.
  • Punishing Storm: Increases Damage by 10% for each enemy in Ice Storm.

Ice Shower

Summons a shower of Ice that creates a frosted area of about 1 meter by 5 meters that lasts for 4 seconds. Enemies that will enter it will be stricken by Frostbite. Frostbite roots the enemy for 1 second, immobilizing and slowing them for about 50%.

This status remains on the enemy for 3 seconds after they leave the frosted area. Ice shower has a lifetime of 4 seconds.

Passive Skills to Unlock in Order

  • Enduring Shower: Increase Ice Shower duration to 7 seconds.
  • Quick Shower: When entering Ice Shower, the speed of yourself and your allies is increased by 25% for 2 seconds
  • Frigid Showers: Frostbite applies Rend on target, reducing their defense by 10%


Using this skill, you entomb yourself in ice to increase Mana regen. The tomb is active for 10 seconds and opponents can easily get it destroyed before you can even reach the 10-second mark.

You can exit the ice yourself by either pressing block or light attack. The latter will use 20 mana to cause a damaging knockback.

Passive Skills to Unlock in Order

  • Strengthened Tomb: Increases defense by 25% for 3 seconds when you break out of Entombed.
  • Cleaning Tomb: Removes all debuffs from you when you use Entombed.

General Passives

  • Energized Critical: At full stamina, increase the critical damage of ice spells by 15%.
  • Critical Rejuvenation: Recover 15 mana after hitting an enemy with a critical hit.
  • Ultimate Chill: Ice Abilities chill targets thus increasing incoming damage by 35% for 3 seconds.
  • Cold Reach: Causes targets farther than 15m to take 15% more damage from your light and heavy attacks.
  • Heavy Freeze: If a target is standing in Ice Storm or is inflicted with Frostbite, heavy attacks will cause them to be rooted for 1 second.
  • Gathering Storm: Regenerates 15 mana when you attack a target with 3 light attacks in a row.
  • Critical Frost: When you attack an enemy that is standing in a frosted area or one that has frostbite, your critical hit chance is increased by 15%.
  • Quick Frost: Movement speed is increased by 10% in frosted areas.

Fire Staff and Ice Gauntlet PvE Build

This build combines the abilities of both the Fire Staff and Ice Gauntlet for PvE scenarios. It is sure to wreak havoc on unprepared mobs and enemies in New World’s wilds.

Your mana problems will be a thing of the past with the build we’ve created, since you’ll get mana every time you dodge in combat. This build is well-balanced, which means it works well in both PvP and PvE, but it’s mostly intended for PvE.

Best Fire Staff Masteries


Launch a heavy fireball that deals 140% weapon damage and leave a 3m burning field upon impact. The burning field lasts for 6 seconds (each second dealing 10% weapon damage)

Passive Skills to Unlock in Order

  • Scorched Earth: Fireball’s burning field lasts for 9 seconds
  • Catch: Direct hit grants you 10% of your mana back and reduces the cooldown of your fire staff skills by 7%


Create a jet of flames from the tip of your staff dealing 34% weapon damage for 6 seconds. Each enemy who is caught in the fire burns; taking 3% weapon damage per second.

Passive Skills to Unlock in Order

  • Fire’s Reach: Increase the range of Flamethrower by 50%.
  • Infernal Flames: Increase its damage by 25%.
  • Pyrodancer: Flamethrower has no cooldown.


Cause a fiery explosion that deals 130% weapon damage and pushes back enemies by 3m. Enemies caught in this explosion are burnt thus taking 3% weapon damage per second (lasts for 6 seconds in total).

General Passives

  • Scorched: Every incinerate hit adds to the burning condition.
  • Restore 20 percent of Incinerate damage dealt as health.
  • Flames Out: Incinerate has two hits.
  • Special Focus: Heavy strikes restore 5% of your maximum mana when they hit.
  • Clear Mind: If you have more than 50% mana, you receive 5% more Empower
  • Singe: The Fire Staff induces burning when you get a critical strike with it. For 6 seconds, the burning deals 3% weapon damage.
  • Clear Casting: If you haven’t taken damage in the last three seconds, your damage is raised by 10%.
  • Flare: Heavy strikes do not deplete mana. Flare: Heavy assaults do not deplete mana.
  • Spellslinger: Your skills have a 10% chance of hitting the adversary with a critical strike.

Best Ice Gauntlet Masteries

Ice Spikes

Creates spikes out of ice that starts from the player and travels outwards in a straight line for 8m. This deals 56% weapon damage except for the final, large spike that deals 157% weapon damage whilst pushing back enemies.

Pressing LMB during the attack will summon the final spike early.

Passive Skills to Unlock in Order

  • Refreshing Spikes: Cooldown of this ability is reduced by 10% if an enemy is hit by the final Spike.
  • Empowered Spikes: When an enemy is below 30% health, the major spike deals an additional 20% damage.
  • Deadly Path: Increases Damage by 10% whilst adding stagger on the path of the spikes. Does not increase the damage of the final spike.
  • Spiky Reach: Ice shards fall on the sides of the Spikes path, covering a wider area. Each shard will have a 6m range and deal 118% weapon damage.

Ice Storm

Ice Storm is a ranged attack that deals 17% weapon damage every 0.33 seconds for 5 seconds. Additionally, it slows down the movement speed of opponents inside a 5-meter radius frosted area by 25%.

Passive Skills to Unlock in Order

  • Weakening Dust: Incoming Damage is increased by 10% for 3 seconds. Specifically for enemies who are trapped in Ice Storm below 50% Health.
  • Storm Summoner: Ice storm mana cost is decreased by 80% at full mana.
  • Punishing Storm: Increases Damage by 10% for each enemy in Ice Storm.

Ice Pylon

This skill creates a 1-meter radius frost area that sanctions frost powers.

Ice Pylon is used for shooting Ice projectiles that deal a total of 50% weapon damage to opponents within the 20-meter range for the next 15 seconds.

Passive Skills to Unlock in Order

  • Greater Pylon: Damage on slowed targets is increased by 10%
  • Pylon Regen: Pylon regenerates to full health 5 seconds after last damage taken
  • Pylon Dodge: Dodging with full stamina increase Ice Pylon’s rate of fire for 3 seconds
  • Pylon Refresh: Successful hit extends Ice Pylon’s life by 1 second (max 45s)

General Passives

Make sure to unlock the following passive skills for Ice Gauntlet in order to get the best out of this build

  • Empowered Frost: In a Frosted Area, regain 3 mana per spell cast.
  • Refreshing Frost: Reduce all active cooldowns for ice abilities by 20% when casting an ability on a frosted area.
  • Critical Rejuvenation: Recover 15 mana after hitting an enemy with a critical hit.
  • Energized Critical: At full stamina, increase the critical damage of ice spells by 15%.
  • Ultimate Chill: Ice Abilities chill targets thus increasing incoming damage by 35% for 3 seconds