The “free-roam” feature of NBA 2K24 allows players to link up with different affiliations and sponsors. One such option is to join either RISE or ELITE clubs for various bonuses. But that brings up the conundrum: Which one is better, and should you join NBA 2K24 Rise or Elite affiliations?
These affiliations are like Clubs or Communities, and each one has its perks and boost benefits. They are independent of players’ attributes and provide additional benefits to the character. Considering your build, you need to adopt the one that best suits you.
However, if you made the wrong choice, NBA 2K24 also allows you to switch your affiliation but this comes with a cost. Whenever you change affiliation, your NBA 2K24 REP level will reset. So it’s in your best interest to know briefly about both Affiliations from the get-go so you don’t have to waste REP and switch if you are unsatisfied.
Advantages of joining Rise

The Rise Affiliation primarily targets good playmaking and finishing skills. So, to join RISE, first you must complete 50 Assists on Rise Courts and earn at least 10 Teammates grades with B as the lowest grade. The boosts you will get in the Rise community are:
- Heat Check Gameplay Boost (Shots from the perimeter have a reward)
- Finishing Boost (Helps in close-range shots)
- Playmaking Boost (Help snagging extra points)
Advantages of joining Elite

Besides Rise, Elite targets the defensive and shooting skills. To become a member of this community, first, you need to score 100 points and win 10 games in the Elite court. Following is a list of boosts you get for joining the Elite community in NBA 2K24
- Two-Way Tenacity Gameplay Boost (Playing at one end of the court will provide an advantage upon the next possession)
- Defense Boost (Improves defensive capability)
- Shooting Boost (Improves shooting capability)