Naraka: Bladepoint gives you great threats throughout the gameplay; therefore, having adequate knowledge about melee weapons and their combos is important. However, with various weapons, each possessing its unique attack chains, it is hard to master combos of each weapon.
A basic combo in Naraka: Bladepoint contains a pattern of two normal attacks followed by a focus attack. Note that combos can only work with melee weapons. You can combine with two normal attacks, an aerial attack and a focus attack at the end, or you can use an uppercut or grapple attack in the middle.
This guide is your one-stop shop for demystifying Naraka: Bladepoint’s combo system. We’ll break down the fundamentals, explore weapon-specific techniques, and equip you with the knowledge to unleash devastating attacks on your foes.
How to Grapple Combo

Before diving into the combos, let’s discuss the grapple bump mechanic, which is crucial for many combos. Here are some key things to know:
- Your uppercut animation can be canceled with a grapple.
- To land a focus attack after the grapple bump, you need to fire your grapple the moment after the uppercut hits.
- Aim your grapple at the far edge of the white circle for a proper grapple bump.
- You can start setting up your aim as early as you want before the uppercut.
- Hold left or right as the grapple bump hits to override any other movement keys.
- Don’t start charging your vertical attack too early; wait for the grapple bump impact.
Naraka Bladepoint Greatsword Combos
The first combo for Greatsword is a variable of the G. Combo 2. With the greatsword, you can add attack in the combo in the air. After you launch your enemy into the air with a crouching vertical attack, you can do a horizontal attack before you do the vertical attack in the air and slam your enemy down.
The second combo for Greatsword starts with a grapple attack but requires precise timing to pull off. You grapple onto your enemy and zipline towards him. Just as you are about to land, do a horizontal attack from the air, then simply follow this combo with the same combo as above, crouching vertically, jumping horizontally, and then vertically.
The next combo we introduce again requires precise timing. You need to make a simple horizontal or vertical attack and follow it up with another attack. The second attack needs to be charged, but just before you reach the Focus attack, you will release your hit.
These are three combos for Greatsword. Following is a summary table of these combos:
H – Horizontal Attack
V – Vertical Attack
Cr – Crouch
Sl – Sliding
Ar – in Air
Gr – Grapple
D – Dodge
P – Parry
Combos | Inputs |
GS. Combo 1 | Cr. V + Ar. H + Ar. V |
GS. Combo 2 | Gr + Ar. H + Cr. V + Ar. H + Ar. V |
GS. Combo 3 | H/V + [H/V] |
Longsword Combos

Longswords are one of the most commonly selected weapons due to their versatility. The basic combos all apply to Longsword—the GS. Combo 1, where you can do an additional hit after launching your opponent in the air, is also available for Longswords.
Next, we bring a spamming technique for you. The logic is that Longsword has good hit stun, and if you hold the dodge button, you have a better recovery time and can attack faster rather than just tapping the attack button. For this, all you do is a vertical attack followed by a dodge and repeat. You can repeatedly do this attack as long as you have stamina. Any other combos can follow up this combo at any time following your vertical attack.
The best variation of this combo has you spamming the enemy until you have just enough to launch them in the air and use the air horizontal attack to throw them away. If they are low on health, you can use the vertical attack finisher to kill them or don’t follow up the attack to ensure you have some distance between you and your opponent.
These are three combos for Longsword. Following is a summary table of these combos:
H – Horizontal Attack
V – Vertical Attack
Cr – Crouch
Sl – Sliding
Ar – in Air
Gr – Grapple
D – Dodge
P – Parry
Combo | Inputs |
LS. Combo 1 | H/V + Cr. V + Ar. H + Ar. V |
LS. Combo 2 | V + [D] + V + [D] Hold |
LS. Combo 3 | V + [D] + V + [D] + Cr. V + Ar. H + Ar. V |
Spear Combos

Spears are the weapon of choice due to their range of benefits. However, Spear has some of the least impressive combos. Only two combos are available for the spear.
The first is, again, the same as Greatsword and Longsword; you can use a third attack after you launch your enemy into the air with a crouching vertical.
The second combo requires you to launch your enemy into the air. Instead of hitting him in the air, simply hold W or the forward analog on the controller and land. Then, immediately follow with a horizontal and then a vertical attack from the ground.
These are the two combos for Spears. Following is a summary table of these combos:
H – Horizontal Attack
V – Vertical Attack
Cr – Crouch
Sl – Sliding
Ar – in Air
Gr – Grapple
D – Dodge
P – Parry
Combo | Inputs |
S. Combo 1 | Cr. V + Ar. H + Ar. V |
S. Combo 2 | Cr. V + Land + H + V |
Katana Combos

Katana has many combos, which allow for some fast and effective combos. The most basic combo requires a simple vertical attack followed by a jumping vertical.
The second combo is a launching combo. Use Crouching Vertical to launch your enemies in the air, then land and hit a horizontal attack. After this, again, use a Crouching Vertical and another vertical attack in the air to finish it. You can also start this combo with an initial neutral horizontal or vertical.
This combo starts with a focused attack. Use a charged horizontal or vertical, then grapple onto your enemy. Your character will kick your opponent down, and after you kick him down, follow up with two vertical attacks. You can further chain into a second-focused attack and repeat the combo.
The last combo is a follow-up to your counterattack. After you use a counter-attack after a parry, you can follow up the attack with a jumping horizontal attack.
These are the four combos for Katanas. Following is a summary table of these combos:
H – Horizontal Attack
V – Vertical Attack
Cr – Crouch
Sl – Sliding
Ar – in Air
Gr – Grapple
D – Dodge
P – Parry
Combo | Inputs |
Combo | Inputs |
K. Combo 1 | V + Ar. V |
K. Combo 2 | H/V + Cr. V + Land + V + V |
K. Combo 3 | P + Ar. H |
K. Combo 4 | [H/V] + Gr + V + V |
Dagger Combos

The first dagger combo starts with crouching vertically, followed by horizontals in the air twice. As soon as you land, jump again and follow up with two more aerial horizontals and a horizontal-vertical to end the combo. You can enter this combo from another neutral attack or even a focus attack, as the dagger’s focus attack will also launch your enemy into the air.
You can also use the spamming combo with daggers that require a horizontal attack, a dash, and another horizontal and repeat.
These are the two combos for Daggers. Following is a summary table of these combos:
H – Horizontal Attack
V – Vertical Attack
Cr – Crouch
Sl – Sliding
Ar – in Air
Gr – Grapple
D – Dodge
P – Parry
Combo | Inputs |
D. Combo 1 | [H/V]/Cr. V + Ar. H + Ar. H + Land + Ar. H + Ar. H + Ar. V |
D. Combo 2 | H – [D] + H + [D] + H (hold) |