Lego Star Wars Skywalker Saga Count Dooku Boss Guide

A detailed guide that provides a strategy to help you easily win against Count Dooku in Lego Star Wars The Skywalker Saga.

Count Dooku is a powerful Sith Lord and a villain in the Lego Star Wars Skywalker Saga. Facing him in combat twice throughout the game, you’ll need to be prepared for a challenge. This guide will teach you how to defeat Count Dooku in both encounters.

We’ll break down each fight step-by-step, revealing Dooku’s attack patterns and effective dodging strategies. You’ll learn how to counter his Force Choke and powerful lightning attacks. Additionally, we’ll cover a specific glitch some players encounter during the second fight and how to overcome it.

How to Find Count Dooku in Lego Star Wars?

Lego Star Wars Count Dooku

You will have two encounters with Count Dooku in Lego Skywalker Saga. The first encounter will occur in Episode Two – Attack of the Clones, during Battle of the Jedi. After you’ve rescued Obi-Wan Kenobi in Geonosis, your next objective would be to find a way to reach Count Dooku’s Stronghold. Once you have made a trampoline and jumped into Count Dooku’s Stronghold, you must find the way to his hanger. For this, you need to use the bricks on your left and stack them on top of one another to make your way to the switch above the locked door.

Enter through the unlocked door and kill the enemies you encounter on the bridge. Ultimately, make your way up the stairs before entering a tunnel. This tunnel will take you to another locked door. To open this, you must slash the bricks nearby and build a Light Trap. Once the trap explodes, you will enter Dooku’s Hanger for your first fight with him.

Lego Star Wars Count Dooku

You will encounter him again during Chapter 3 – Revenge of the Sith’s Out for the Count mission. You will be asked to find and extract Chancellor Palpatine. Remove the batteries from the transformer to turn off the laser blocking your way. Once you get to the room where the chancellor is being held, you will encounter Dooku for the second time.

How to defeat Count Dooku in the first fight?

You can defeat Dooku using your lightsaber during melee combat like Darth Maul and other enemies. It’s easy to observe Dooku’s attacks as red lines and circles indicate them, so you can quickly dodge them. During the red line attack, Dooku will quickly charge toward you in a straight line while jumping toward you during the red circle attack.

When the boss tries to choke you, move your analog stick from left to right or press your keyboard’s left and right keys to free yourself. Every time you take Dooku down, he will climb to a higher level; you need to remove the tunnels from the wall and use your lightsaber to climb through the wall to get to him. This method is effective throughout the battle.

Lego Star Wars Count Dooku

Another thing you need to understand is that there will be times when you’ll need to find Dooku in the dark. This is when he will come out, triggering a QTE. These attacks will either involve slashing or blade lock.

One of Dooku’s strong attacks includes force lightning, which you can use against him using your left and right keys. Take down Dooku’s all-health bar and continue fighting him even after Yoda arrives. After you have taken out all health bars of Dooku, he will fly away.

How to defeat Count Dooku in the second fight?

Lego Star Wars Count Dooku

The second fight resembles your first encounter. You need to dodge the incoming attacks when you see red lines or circles. You can use the lightsaber throw to strike the boss and reduce the chances of getting hit. You could also come under Dooku’s Force Choke. You may escape from it by swiftly switching between the right and left arrow buttons or bending the left joystick sideways.

The only thing new about this fight is that Dooku has 2 health bars this time. Do not strike Dooku once he turns invincible after losing a health bar. Rather, you should destroy the droids that were dispatched onto the battlefield. Force-based attacks work well to hurt them. You may launch a droid at other opponents or strike without using your aim. Lightsaber strikes are another option. You must exhaust each of Dooku’s health bars to win this encounter.

Count Dooku’s Fight Glitch Solution

Some players face glitches during the second encounter with Dooku. This glitch involves stuck Dooku, and you cannot land any hits on him. If you encounter any such bug, exit your game, restart it, and start the level again. If that doesn’t work, attack him until he has about one hit left. Enter the QTE event and defeat him in a duel instead of hitting him with your attacks.

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Namra is a gaming enthusiast and guides writer, always looking to play AAA titles on day one, while her favorites being Last of Us, Uncharted series, Spiderman, Final Fantasy, and Alan Wake.