LEGO: Lord of the Rings Characters Unlock Guide

This guide will tell you how to unlock all the characters in LEGO Lord of the Rings. With these, you can save middle earth.

LEGO: Lord of the Rings is one of the biggest LEGO games, with over 84 characters with unique abilities and functions. Some of these characters are locked, and you can get them after completing certain missions or with unlock codes, while some are purchased.

So, whether you are a seasonal gamer or new to LEGO game, this guide will help you unlock and master all the characters in LEGO: Lord of the Rings.

LEGO: Lord of the Rings Unlockable Characters

There are two tiers of characters in LEGO Lord of the Rings, the first tier are obtained after completing missions and the second are purchased. Let’s begin with the unlockable ones which are attained after completing tasks/missions.

CharactersWhen is the Character Unlocked?AbilityEquipment
ElendilThe high king of Gondor and Father of Isildur is unlocked right after completing the prologueAbility to destroy Morgul objects using his swordNarsil
IsildurThe son of Elendil, Isildur is unlocked after completing the prologueAbility to destroy Morgul objects using his swordNarsil
FrodoThe nephew of Bilbo Baggins, Frodo is unlocked before The Black RiderLights up dark places, hides from enemies, and can enter small character hatchesSting, Phial of Galadriel, Elven Cloak
Frodo (Shire)Unlocked after completing The Black RiderEnters small character hatchesNone
Frodo (Orc Disguise)After completing the Cirith Ungol, you will get Frodo Orc DisguiseThis character lights up dark areas, hides well from enemies, and can enter small character hatchesSting, Phial of Galadriel, Elven Cloak
SamSam is Frodo’s best friend and Rosie’s husband, and he is unlocked before The Black RiderSam can mix ingredients and cook, grow plants, dig up items, light fire, grapple on hooks, and enter small character hatchesFrying pan, Spade, Tinderbox, Elven Rope
Sam (Orc Disguise)This character is unlocked after completing the Cirith UngolThis character shares same abilities like sam; it can mix ingredients and cook, grow plants, dig up items, light fire, grapple on hooks, and enter small character hatchesFrying pan, Spade, Tinderbox, Elven Rope
MerryMerry is Pippin and Frodo’s cousin and is unlocked after The Black RiderThis character can fish from jetties and enter small character hatchesBarrow-blade, fishing rod
PippinThis character is unlocked after The Black RiderPippin can put out fires and enter small character hatchesBarrow-blade, bucket
AragornHeir of Isildur and soon-to-be king of Gondor, Aragorn is unlocked after completing WeathertopTrack green objectsSword
Arwen Evenstar (Ranger)Arwen Evenstar is the daughter of Elrond, and is unlocked before The Pass of CaradhrasCan jump highHadhafang the sword
Gandalf the GreyThis character is unlocked after The Pass of Caradhras (note that this character will die and resurrect as Gandalf the White)This character can levitate blocks with its staff and light up dark pathsGandalf’s staff, Glamdring the Sword
Gandalf the WhiteGandalf the white is unlocked after completing Warg AttackThis character can levitate blocks with its staff and light up dark paths just like Gandalf the GreyGandalf’s staff, Glamdring the Sword
GimliThe son of Gloin, Gimli is unlocked after completing The Pass of CaradhrasGimli is your character if you need to break through facture points or go through small character hatchesWalking axe
LegolasYou can get Legolas after completing The Pass of CaradhrasLegolas is an archer, can jump high, and can swing on polesGaladhrim’s bow, daggers
BoromirThe older brother of Faramir, Boromis is unlocked after completing The Pass of CaradhrasBoromir can incapacitate enemies by just blowing the hornBroadsword, Gondor’s shield, Gondor’s horn
FaramirYou will get Faramir after completing The Dead MarshesArcherBow, broadsword
MadrilMadril is unlocked after completing the Dead MarshesThis character has ShoerswordNone
King Theoden (Armor)Theoden is the unlock and foster dad of Eowyn and Eomer, and you will get him after completing the Helm’s DeepNoneHerugrim (sword)
GollumThis character is unlocked after OsgiliathGollum can climb fish-encrusted walls, fish at jetties, and enter small character hatchesNone
ShagratYou can get Shagrat after Cirith UngolThis character can pull strong character handlesScimitar
King TheodenThis character is available after The Battle of Pelennor FieldsNoneHerugrim (sword)
Eowyn (Dernhelm)Eowyn is the niece and adoptive daughter of King Theoden and is available after completing The Battle of Pelennor FieldsNoneRohan Sword and Shield
Merry (Rohirrim Squire)This character is available after completing The Battle of Pelennor FieldsThis character can fish from jetties and enter small character hatchesBarrow-blade and fishing rod
Aragorn (Gondor Armor)You can get this character after completing The Black GateTrack green objects and destroy Morgul object with it swordAnduril (sword)
Pippin (Gondor Armor)This character is available after The Black GatePippin can put out fires and enter small character hatchesBarrow-blade and bucket
Frodo (Weary)Unlocked after Mount DoomFrodo can light dark areas, hide from enemies, and enter small character hatchesSting, Phial of Galadriel, and Elven Cloak
Sam (Weary)Available after completing Mount DoomMix and cook ingredients, do planting, dig items, light fires, grapple on hooks, and enter small character hatchesFrying pan, spade, tinderbox, elven rope
Aragorn (Royal Armor)Aragorn is available after completing Mount DoomHe can track green objects and destroy Morgul with its swordAnduril the Sword, Gondorian shield
SauronThis is available after completing bonus stageSauron can destroy Morgul objects with its mace and pull orange strong character handlesSauron’s Mace
Mouth of SauronThis is available after completing bonus stageNoneSword

LEGO: Lord of the Rings Purchasable Characters

CharactersCodeHow to get the Character?CostAbilityEquipment
BerserkerUE5Z7HIn the Helm’s Deep (overworld), Berserker will attack you on the staircase, defeat him and take the take.200,000 StudsThis character can blow up silver blocks and pull orange strong character handlesScimitar and bomb
Bilbo BagginsJ4337VIn Rivendell, after meeting Elround, you will find Bilbo Baggins on top of the stairs in the same house.125,000 studsCan enter small character hatchesSting
Elrond (Second Age)A9FB4QIn Rivendell, during nighttime. You will find him on the southern side of the map near Stone here; you have to get to the surface moving bricks using Gandalf to purchase Elrond.200,000 studsCan jump highHadhafang
Gil-GaladIn Cirith Ungol (overworld), you will find this character locked behind a door. To get to him, head to the stone tower north of D in Morder, grow a bounce plant to land on a small tower, destroy the block, and use a fishing rod to get to the crank and turn it down. This will help you purchase Gil-Galad.125,000 studsJump higherElven sword and shield
Tom BombadilIn the south-eastern section of Hobbiton, you will find some addition hobbit holes. One of them is Bombadil’s. His size will make it easier to spot him.125,000 studsGrow plants, dig items, pull orange strong character handlesSpade
RosieIn Hobbito, you will find her walking in the northern streets. She will stop at the end of one of the northern streets.25,000 studsCooks and enter small character hatchesFrying pan
RingwraithGo to the Weathertop and select nighttime. Now, south of the map stone, go through the winding path to the top. The ringwraith will attack you here; hit him thrice to be able to buy him200,000 studsNoneRingwraith sword
Ringwraith (Twilight)LYQU1FYou will get this character at Weathertop at nighttime200,000 studsNoneRingwraith sword
Elrond (Third Age)Go to Rivendell and head down the Northern Path until it splits, and then head left. At the end of your path, you will find Legolas’ archery pole points. Shoot this, and then swing across to the top and get to the platform. Now, destroy all the bricks blocking the hobbit hole. Now, switch to a shorter character and crawl through it. Go ahead and buy Elrond.200,000 studsJumps highHadhafang
GloinGo to the Rivendell Map Stone and head to the Southern end of the town. Cross the Islands, where you will find a cave blocked by Mithril Blocks. Destroy these using mithril fireworks or the Berserker. You will find Gloin standing in the cave after you blow the cave.25,000 studsBreaks through fracture points and enters small character hatchesAxe
Moria OrcWhen you are done with the Mines of Moria mission at The Pass of Caradhras, you need to head back to the Mines of Mora map stone. Deal with the armored Orc, and during the fight, you can purchase him.25,000 studsNoneMoria Orc sword and shield
Uruk-haiQL28W8Go to Helm’s Deep and select night-time. You will see him walking around by the big ramp up into the fort.25,000 studsPulls strong character handlesScimitar, Uruk shield
LurtzGo to Amon Hen and north to the sheer wall. Climb up, and towards the left, you will find statues. Lurtz will attack you if you try to destroy the statues, but you can also find him wandering around.200,000 studsPulls strong character handlesScimitar, Lurtz’s shield and bow
Galadriel7B4VWHShe is right next to Celeborn at the highest structure in the town in the north end of Lothlorien.200,000 studsJumps high and swings on polesNone
CelebornWith Galadriel in Lothlorien200,000 studsJumps high and swings on polesNone
Gondor RangerLG5GGI7The ranger will be standing alone in the ruins on the East Side of the river in Osgiliath.25,000 studsArcheryBow
EasterlingR7XKDHThis character is available in The Black Gate25,000 studsNoneEasterling sword and shield
GrishnakhGo to Fangorn at night and go to the northeast of Isengard to the forest, and Grishnakh will jump you in the Northern part of the forest.125,000 studsNoneOrc sword
Radagast the Brown5LV6EBYou will run into Radagast if you take the road left to the town (Bree) to the north.500,000This character moves blocks with its staff and lights up dark areasRadagast’s staff
King Theoden (Cursed)You can find him in Edoras, outside the main structure. He will usually be found near the map stone.200,000 studsNoneNone
EowynYou will find her caged in Edoras. Free her first to get her.125,000 studsNoneRohan sword
Hama73HJP6You can find him standing in a guard tower beside a big fence. You will have to jump across the steep hill to reach Hama.125,000 studsNoneRohan sword
GamlingAVJII1You will find him in the Fangorn forest125,000 studsNoneRohan sword
Grima WormtongueBU95CBGo to Isengard at night, and you will find him at the base of the tower.200,000 studsNoneGrima’s dagger
HaldirNear the Lothlorien Elf, you will find a big staircase surrounded by statues. Go up the stairs to meet Haldir.200,000 studsJumps high, swings on arrows, and does archeryGaladhrim’s bow and Eleven sword
Lothlorien ElfC2A58DThe Lothlorien Elf can be found in the open area at the bottom of the staircase of a treetop home.25,000 studsJumps high, swings on arrows, and does archeryBow and Elven sword
BerserkerUE5Z7HWhen you are in Helm’s Deep, he will attack you while you are around the staircase. Kill him to take his token.200,000 studsBlast silver blocks and pull orange strong character handlesScimitar and bomb
EomerU47AOGThis character is found in the Helm’s Deep200,000 studsNoneRohan sword
Gondor SoldierTowards the Western Side of the river in Osgiliath, you can find the soldiers in the Northern Ruins.25,000 studsNoneSword
Saruman the WhiteGo to the Isengard map stone and use Lurtz or Sauron to pull the gate open. Shoot the archery pole as Legolas and start climbing the tower in the middle. Switch to short characters when needed to go through tunnels. You will also need Gollum at one point. As you come out of the second hobbit tunnel, jump up to get the mithril brick and grab the ledge to get on top of the tower to find Saruman.500,000 studsCan move blocks with its staff, light up paths, and create a barrierSaruman’s staff
Mordor OrcHead West of Barad-Dur, and South of the Black Gate, make sure it is night time and the orc will attack you.25,000 studsNoneOrc’s sword and shield
King of the DeadIH7E58Travel to Edoras and select night time. Head to the South-East corner of the city and to a path that goes up. At the top you will find King of the Dead.500,000 studsNoneKing of the dead’s sword
Soldier of the DeadGo to Edoras and select nighttime. You will find him in the field east of the city.25,000 studsNoneGhost sword
Rohirrim SoldierGo to Isengard and select nighttime. You will find the soldier in a field south of the tower.25,000 studsNoneRohan sword and shield
The Witch KingYou will find him in the Minas Morgul500,000 studsNoneSword and ringwraith dagger
DenethorRJV4KBTravel to Minas Tirith’s Mapstone to find Denethor standing against a wall.125,000 studsNoneShort sword
GothmogCan be found Southern End of Barad-dur Tower in Mordor. Gothmog will ambush you at the entrance of the tower.125,000 studsNoneOrc sword
Citadel GuardGo to the top of Minas Tirith to the map stone, and you will be able to dig out a plant whilst being Sam; jump off of this and grab onto the bar on the tower. Now climb the tower, and you will find the guard whilst climbing up.25,000 studsNoneSword and Gondorian shield
CorsairCorsair can be found east of Edoras walking around during daytime.25,000 studsIt can break through fracture pointsAxe
HaradrimGo to Dead Marshes and follow the Southern Path outside of the area. Haradrim will eventually attack you down this path.25,000 studsNoneBow
Boromir (captain)HTYADUThe Boromir (Captain) can be found in the east of Minas Tirith during the daytime.200,000 studsNoneBow
Bilbo Baggins (old)Make your way to Hobbiton, and you will find a hobbit house with a green door towards the north-east of the map. Here, you will find Bilbo walking around.125,000 studsIt can incapacitate enemies by blowing through its hornBroadsword, Gondor’s shield and horn
BlacksmithThis character is available after building Mithril items.It can break through fracture pointsBlacksmith’s hammer

Lego: Lord of the Rings DLC Characters

The following characters will come as DLC, and you will have them earlier if you have pre-ordered Lego Lord of the Rings:

  • Mini-Balrog
  • Mini-Balrog
  • Beregond
  • Corsair Pirate
  • Farmer Maggot
  • Glorfindel
  • Prince Imrahil
  • Smeagol
  • Theodred
  • Lurtz (Newborn)
  • Sauron (Second Age)
  • Barliman Butterbur
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Namra is a gaming enthusiast and guides writer, always looking to play AAA titles on day one, while her favorites being Last of Us, Uncharted series, Spiderman, Final Fantasy, and Alan Wake.