ARK Genesis Magmasaur Location And Taming Guide

Get the fiery lizard dino, Magmasaur in ARK Genesis with instructions from our guide on how to tame this creature for your use

Magmasaur is a fire-based creature in Ark Genesis that acquires its strength and charges up attacks through heat. Magmasaur performs the best when in hotter climates such as lava caves, and the cold will reduce its performance.

You can use Magmasaur as a Tank, Mobile Forge, Golem Killer, Mineral Gatherer, and Boss Fighter when tamed. Because this is a fire-based creature, the saddle on Magmasaur is heat resistant. It will protect the player from heat or lava when riding.

This guide helps you harvest the powers of Magmasaur by helping you find and tame this creature in Ark Fjordur.

How to Tame Magmasaur?

The only way to tame a Magmasaur is by stealing the eggs and hatching them. As the Magmsaurs are slow-moving creatures, you can easily get their eggs, but note when you do get the egg, they will attack you with fireballs.

After you get the egg, take it back to your base and place it in front of air conditioners to hatch it. Once the baby is out, feed it meat to tame it.

Magmasaur Saddle

The Magmasaur Saddle can be crafted at Level 95 for 35 Engram Points and 600 Crafting XP. Once you have fulfilled the crafting requirements, you will need the following items to craft the saddle:

  • 230x Hide
  • 150x Fiber
  • 125x Cementing Paste or Achatina Paste
  • 400x Metal Ingot or Scrap Metal Ingot

Magmasaur Location in Ark Genesis

Magmasaur can be found all over the Volcano biome in Ark Genesis. Their common spawn location is the Volcano Cave. 

Magmasaur Stats in Ark Genesis

Magmasaur possesses the following stats in Ark Genesis:

StatsBase ValueWild Value
Melee Damage120123.6
Movement Speed100%

How to Breed Magmasaur in Ark Genesis?

To tame a pair of Magmasaurs, place them inside lava pools and set their behavior radial to enable mating. Once the female drops the egg, place it in front of air conditioners to hatch it.

Magmasaur Spawn Command

If you’re finding it hard to locate the Magmasaur in Ark Genesis, open up the console command box by pressing the TAB key if you’re playing on a PC, but if you’re playing on PlayStation, you’ll need to hold down L1R1Square, and Triangle at once, and similarly, on Xbox, hold down, LBRBX, and Y at once. After the console opens, type “admincheat Summon Cherufe_Character_BP_C” and press enter.

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Namra is a gaming enthusiast and guides writer, always looking to play AAA titles on day one, while her favorites being Last of Us, Uncharted series, Spiderman, Final Fantasy, and Alan Wake.