How To Reach The Cathedral Of Manus Metyr In Elden Ring

Find the Cathedral of Manus Metyr to start Count Ymir's Questline in Elden Ring.

The Cathedral of Manus Metyr in Elden Ring plays an important role as this place allows you to start Count Ymir’s Questline. This cathedral is also home to the Finger Ruin of Miyr, which plays an important part in understanding the role of two fingers in the main game.

In this guide, we will help you reach the Cathedral of Manus Metyr easily and allow you to meet its peculiar NPCs to start one of the finest side quests in Shadow of the Erdtree.

Cathedral of Manus Metyr Location

The Cathedral of Manus Metyr can be found east of Bonny Village in the Scadu Altus area. To reach Bonny Village, start from Moorth Ruins Cross site of grace.

Go east until you find a small in the ground leading to a dark tunnel. Drop down the hole with the help of Torrent to avoid fall damage. Keep going down through the tunnels until you reach a dead end with a ladder.

Climb the ladder to enter the Bonny Village area of the Shadow of the Erdtree. This place is also home to the O Mother Gesture, which is important to access Hinterlands and progress Count Ymir’s Questline.

Turn east from the Bonny Village’s site of grace. Use Torrent to cross two bridges until you reach an open land with orange-colored leaves. Follow the path north until you come across Rabbath’s Rise. Go through it and follow the road south to circle back to a large cathedral in the center of a hill.

This is the cathedral of Manus Metyr, home to Count Ymir and mother of fingers. Go inside and find Ymir sitting on her throne. Interact with her to start her questline.

Cathedral of Manus Metyr Items and NPCs

While the Cathedral of Manus Metyr is important for a certain questline, it also houses some unique items. Explore its surroundings to find the Greater Potante Cookbook 4 and a Remembrance Duplicating Coffin.

Enter the Cathedral and talk to Count Ymir. She will give you two Finger Ruins Maps and a Hole-laden Necklace. Once you find both Finger Ruins and ring the bells, return to this area to receive the third fragment from Ymir.

This cathedral is also home to a major boss fight and two NPC invasions. Once you defeat Mother of Fingers, you will be invaded by Ymir and her servant, Jolan. They drop special weapons and armor equipment that is exclusive to this region.

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Usman is an Associate Editor at Segmentnext who is obsessed with retro gaming. His love for video games begins all the way back in 91 with Final Fight on arcades and is still going strong ...