How to Get NinjaBike Messenger Exotic Kneepads in The Division 2

NinjaBike Messenger Exotic Kneepads are one of the many new exotic items added to The Division 2 with the release...

NinjaBike Messenger Exotic Kneepads are one of the many new exotic items added to The Division 2 with the release of Title Update 8 and Warlords of New York Expansion. If you are interested in using them, this guide will show you How to Get NinjaBike Messenger Exotic Kneepads in The Division 2.

How to Get NinjaBike Messenger Exotic Kneepads in The Division 2

Since the expansion is still new, there aren’t any confirmed drop locations for the kneepads. However, according to the reports from other players, the NinjaBike Messenger Kneepads have a high drop chance in Dark Zone.

Since there is no new Dark Zone area in New York, which means to get the exotic kneepads in The Division 2, you will have to farm for them in Washington DC.

Keep doing DZ runs at higher difficulties to increase your chance of loot drops. With the new Dark Zone and Gear 2.0 systems, you should have plenty of content to go through during your attempt to farm NinjaBike Messenger kneepads.

The NinjaBike Messenger kneepads provide buffs to your drawn weapon while performing cover to cover movements or vaulting reload.

The Exotic Kneepads provide the following stats boost:

  • +15% Weapon Damage
  • 0 Critical Hit Chance
  • 2% Critical Hit Damage
  • Talent: Parkour: Boost while performing cover to cover movements or vaulting reloads to your drawn weapon

While they have so far only been confirmed to drop in DZ, it is also possible that they might be available in other locations as well so keep farming named bosses and missions at the highest difficulty in order to increase your chances of a good loot drop.


An avid fan of FPS games, specially Competitive CSGO