The Enduring errand in Horizon Forbidden West can be obtained from the Pit Master Odurg. You can find him at the Melee Pit in Chainscrape. But before you speak to the pit Master Odurg, you need to have taken down the other Pit Masters from The Bulwark, Thornmarsh, and Scalding Spear pits. Once you’ve defeated all three and earned their Marks, only then can you run this errand.
Melee Pits are practice areas with timed challenges where you must perform certain combos to pass. To finish the Melee Pit, you must perform all the combos and defeat the Pit Master to get their mark. So before we dive into The Enduring errand, let’s walk you through the three Melee Pits you must complete before it.
Scalding Spear Melee Pit

You need to successfully perform two combos in the Scalding Spear Melee Pit.
Warrior’s Wrath
For this combo, you’ll need to perform the following attacks consecutively within two minutes:
- Nora Warrior
- Power Attack
- Resonator Blast
The correct button sequence is R1 > R1 > R1 > R2 then go into a Power Attack by holding R2. Now you must shoot the enemy while they are glowing blue.
Aerial Punisher
For this combo, you’ll need to perform the following attacks consecutively within two minutes:
- Aerial Slash
- Resonator Blast (while airborne)
The correct sequence here is R1 > R2, launch into the air and shoot the enemy while they are glowing blue. After successfully performing the two combos, you must defeat Lirokkeh, the Pit Master, to get the Desert Clan mark. The pit master can be taken out easily with minimal headache. You don’t need to use any special attacks against him, just basic spear attacks will do.
The Bulwark Melee Pit

In the Bulwark Melee Pit, you need to perform three combos successfully.
Jump-Off and Shoot
For this combo, you’ll need to perform the following attacks consecutively within a minute:
- Dodge and attack
- Jump-Off
- Shoot an enemy while airborne
Dodge an attack with circle and then launch yourself in the air with R1 > Hold R2. While in the air, pull out your bow and shoot an enemy. Use R3 to enter concentration mode for easier shots.
Seek and Strike
For this combo, you’ll need to perform the following attacks consecutively within a minute and twenty seconds:
- Jump-Over your first enemy
- Perform a Slam attack on your second enemy while falling
For this, start with R1 > Left Stick forward > hold R2. While in the air, press R2 as you are over your opponent and you will slam into them.
Sustained Breaker
You’ll need to perform the following attacks consecutively for this combo within one minute and twenty seconds.
- Block Breaker
- Halfmoon Slash
- Jump-Off
- Shoot an arrow at the enemy
This one is complicated and you need to press a lot of buttons. The correct sequence is R1 > R1 > R2 > hold R1 > release R1 > hold R2 and then shoot an enemy with your bow.
After successfully performing the three combos, you must defeat Errayo and Virakk to get the Sky Clan Mark. Again, there are no specific combos to use against them and you can use any attacks to defeat them.
The Thornmarsh Melee Pit

In the Thornmarsh Melee Pit, you need to successfully perform four combos.
Destroyer Chain
For this combo, you’ll need to perform the following attacks consecutively within two minutes:
- Power Attack
- The Destroyer
- Shoot an arrow at the enemy
Open with a Power Attack (hold R2) and then follow it up with The Destroyer Skill (R1 > wait a moment and then > R1 > R1 > R1 > R1), and close with a bow shot.
Reap and Clear
For this combo, you’ll need to perform the following attacks consecutively within one minute and thirty seconds:
- Spinning Scythe
- Halfmoon Slash
- Jump-Over enemy
This one is among the more complicated moves so you must first understand what you need to do before executing it. Start with R1 > R1 > pause > R1 > hold R1 > L Stick forward > release R1 > hold R2. This should do the combo chain if done correctly.
Energy Surge Chain
For this combo, you’ll need to perform the following attacks consecutively within one minute and twenty seconds:
- Energy Surge
- Halfmoon Slash
- Jump-Off
Start with R1 > R1 > R1 > pause > hold R1 and then release > hold R2
Power Rush
For this combo, you’ll need to perform the following attacks consecutively within one minute and thirty seconds:
- Power Attack
- Halfmoon Slash
- Nora Warrior
- Shoot an arrow at the enemy
There are a lot of power attacks here so begin with hold R2 > hold R1 > release R1 > R1 > R1 > R2 > bow shot.
After successfully performing the four combos, you must defeat Tenalio within two minutes to get the Lowland Clan mark. He has a huge shield so you must maneuver behind him and then attack. As long as you use only the training bow and spear, you will satisfy the challenge and now you can move to The Enduring in Horizon Forbidden West.
The Enduring Location

Now, once you’ve defeated all three Pit Masters, it’s time for you to go find The Enduring, a legendary Tenakth master. Head to the mountains to the north of Scalding Spear. Inside the mountain, you’ll find the training pit of The Enduring, but she will not be there.
To the east of the pit, you’ll see some smoke. Head towards the smoke to find a camp where The Enduring rests. Wait for The Enduring to wake up and then talk to her. Then, return to the training pit and prepare to fight Azurekka, The Enduring.
How to Beat the Enduring?

For a woman her age, Azurekka is extremely strong and agile. Her melee and ranged attacks deal high damage, and she uses Smoke Bombs to mask her location.
Azurekka does not take much damage from arrows, so you’ll need to fight her with melee attacks. Use the melee combos you’ve learned up till this point. The best ones to use are the ones that end with a Resonater Blast.
Do note that Azurekka can easily interrupt your combos, so your combos must be at the perfect time.
Bait out attacks from Azurekka, dodge them, and then punish them with your combos. You can also stun Azurekka by shooting the four Smoke Drums present around the pit. Here are some tips to make the fight easier:
- Use Resonator Blasts frequently. Thanks to the challenges above, you know how to use them effectively, so line up a shot and then shoot while she’s glowing blue. A few shots will do the job.
- The smoke pots can stun her, so shoot them and use a charged-up power attack to do a good deal of damage.
- Be careful if she blocks two consecutive attacks as she will release a push attack. Dodge out of the way and do not get hit.
- This is a melee-focused fight, so use the the Oseram Artificer outfit. It provides useful bonuses for a melee build making the whole ordeal much easier.
How to Cheese the Enduring in Ultra-Hard Mode?

If you’re struggling to beat the Enduring on Ultra Hard difficulty, you can cheese the fight to ensure an easy win in Horizon Forbidden West. To do so, head into the accessibility settings and change the settings so that the Shieldwing has to be toggled.
When the fight starts, you must jump, deploy your glider, and attack the enemy heavily. Keep on repeating this strategy until you’ve completely taken away all her health.
Another great cheese strategy is placing poison traps in the arena before the fight begins. Shoot the traps when Azurekka approaches them, and she’ll get staggered. Next, hit her with a melee weapon until she loses all her health.
Horizon Forbidden West: The Enduring Rewards
Once you’ve defeated Azurekka, you’ll receive the following rewards:
- +1 Spear Damage
- 6500 XP
- Skill Points x3
- Champions Tokens x3 (NG+ only)
- Defeated the Enduring (Trophy)