After you complete your first two classes, you will meet with Professor Weasely in the Transfiguration classroom. He will ask you to travel to Hogsmeade village with either Natsai Onai (Natty) or Sebastian Swallow of the Slytherin house in Hogwarts Legacy.
The choice has no story implications but whom you choose will help in the troll fight during the Welcome to Hogsmeade quest. Both characters have different fighting styles. Natty is more of a supportive character/ally, while Sebastian is more of a damage dealer.
Whom to Choose?

If you choose Natty, though, it won’t matter during the early game, but in the late game, she is helpful against Theophilus Harlow. Sebastian is a heavy hitter, so he has more utility throughout the early game, but he mellows out a little in the late game. Ultimately, it is a choice of preference and who’s the personality you click with most.
Another thing to consider between Natty and Sebastian in Hogwarts Legacy is how different houses mesh together for roleplaying reasons. The whole task revolves around learning about each of the companions. So choose whoever seems interesting. You can still talk to the one you didn’t choose later on, so no opportunity is lost. The game doesn’t have any romance, so you won’t lose out on that with either option.
How to visit the Hogsmeade village?

After choosing any of the two available characters, you would be tasked with finding two Flying Pages by Professor Ronen. You will find one page in the courtyard by the ruined statue and the other inside the Defense against the Dark Arts tower.
You can use the Accio spell to find and collect the two Flying Pages. Once that’s done, you will be rewarded with the Mending Charm, Reparo spell. Afterward, you are tasked with fixing the aforementioned ruined statue. Cast the spell on it to restore it and then meet your chosen companion outside by the gate.
You will see the lush green fields of the Hogwarts grounds, the Quidditch Pitch, and hills off in the distance. Simply follow the road out and your companion will lead you to Hogsmeade.