Hitman 3 Mendoza Shortcuts Locations Guide

This Hitman 3 Mendoza Shortcuts Locations will help you find and access all the secret areas to hit your targets when they least expect it.

Hitman 3 has various shortcuts scattered throughout its detailed maps for you to approach your targets. In this Hitman 3 Mendoza Shortcuts Locations guide, we will tell you about the locations of all 3 shortcuts you will find in Mendoza.

Hitman 3 Mendoza Shortcuts Locations

Besides offering a convenient means of getting to your assassination targets, using shortcuts will get you the shortcut Killer trophy.

This trophy is unlocked once you have found 15 shortcuts from all the maps combined. Let’s look at three of the shortcuts found in the Mendoza map below.

Maintenance Door
The first shortcut in Mendoza, Argentina, is the Maintenance Door. Enter the car parking area and from there, through an open window, enter the building. Enter the door and move forward. Go upstairs and turn right.

Now jump into the plants and hide from the security. From here, you can clearly see the Villa go there.

You have to go from the side of the wall and jump up. Here you will find two guards; just kill them and get the uniform and hide the bodies in the plants.

Enter the Villa go upstairs and you will find the key on a table. Collect it go downstairs and open the door on the right side to enter it.

Go downstairs in the basement and move forward. Go through two more doors and you will reach the Shortcut.

Cellar Door
You will also find the Cellar Door shortcut in the basement as well. Move backward from the maintenance door and take a right and you will reach the Cellar Door shortcut.

Use the Cellar Door to get out of the Villa. Now take the path around the Villa to reach the Backdoor. You have to climb down wherever you see a broken fence. Get down and you will again see the broken fence.

Get down from there as well and turn right. Moving forward, you will reach the third and the last shortcut in Mendoza.

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Ali is a passionate RPG gamer. He believes that western RPGs still have a lot to learn from JRPGs. He is editor-in-chief at SegmentNext.com but that doesn't stop him from writing about his favorite video ...