During the second mission, Death in the Family of Hitman 3, you will be tasked to eliminate Alexa Carlisle and get the Dartmoor case file on Arthur Edwards. The case file is hidden in Alexa’s office in a safe at the Dartmoor Mansion.
There are two ways to complete the mission: either go a long way and infiltrate the mansion as a detective, investigate family members, gather clues, report to the butler, and finally find entrance into the office to access the files, or sneak in and get the files directly without any investigation or side objectives.
Hitman 3 Dartmoor Mansion Location

To get Dartmoor, head to the southern region of Devon during the second mission, Death in the Family.
How to Enter the Mansion?

There are two ways of entering the mansion: disguise yourself as the detective and take over the case the long way or sneak in. This guide will cover the short method of sneaking inside. For this, find the half-broken wall and enter the mansion through the garden and parking lot.
You cannot enter the mansion through the main entrance, but use the open window on the right side. Once inside, enter the first open door on the left, and you will find a staircase in front.
How to Get to the Upper Floor?

Walk up the stairs and wait for the guards to walk past so you can sneak in. Or jump and hang by the ledge near the family portraits. Use the ledge to go to the railing side and climb up.
Disguise Yourself as the Bodyguard

Once you’re up, wait for the bodyguard in the next hallway to pace past you to the left; when he does, he quickly sneaks behind him and knocks him out. Hide his body in the cupboard and take his uniform.
After getting the bodyguard disguise, make your way to the other end of the hallway, take a left, and get out the window to go a little to the right and climb up through the pipe. This will take you to the second-floor balcony outside Alexa’s office.
Finding the Dartmoor Case File In Hitman 3

Once inside the office, press the button on the armchair to reveal a safe hidden behind a dog’s painting on the left wall.
How to Unlock the Safe?

The clues to unlocking the safe are hidden on the symbols above the safe. For the first digit, go to the table clock near the resting chair; the first digit will be 1. For the next digit, go up the stairs to the telescope, and you will find the number 9 near it. Now, for the third digit, go down the stairs to the fireplace again, and you will find the number 7 there. Lastly, check behind the moose trophy hanging above the door; it will be number 5. Now, go back to the safe and insert the code 1975 to find the case files.